5 minute free-write - Anger

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

I've seen a lot of people doing a free-write challenge lately, so I figured I would give it a shot. I happen to be in a bad mood today so that's what came out. I didn't edit it for punctuation because I felt this was a better representation of my thoughts.



Sometimes I get in a mood and I feel like I have a fire within me. It's a bit of a weird feeling because I dont get too emotional too often. but when I get like this, I feel a little bit invincible. I tend to have the male version of resting bitch face normally even when I am my happy go lucky self. When I'm this way, I feel like I'm killing people with my expression. People seeem to avoid me when they pass and it honetsly makes me feel a little bad. but I still got that fire just below my skin and in my mind I am kind of hoping that somoeone will say some shit. I know all of this makes me sound like a dick....and I guess thats somewhat true for days like this. But normally, I am pretty happy-go -lucky. and maybe thats what makes it so bad. I feel like the world changes me sometimes and I find myself wanting to make them pay for doing that. 5 minutes up.


Have you ever had one of those days? It's not like it's one particular thing, it's just everything. Poetry is usually a bit of an outlet for me, but sometimes I feel like keeping all that inside is the better way. Somehow, it makes me feel powerful despite the irrational thoughts I consider.

What do you guys have to say about it? How do you deal with it?


Don't forget to enter in my weekly Haiku contest and @rumplestiltskin's Killer poetry contest!


First off, I am so glad you found the freewrite. So cool!!
And yes, I do have days like that and usually I try to exercise, do laughter yoga something like that which really gets me out of that head space. running up a mountain or something like that usually helps. You know, where you come to the point of just breathing. Brain activity stopped. Step, breath, step.....

I have definitely had some of these days. My outlet is crocheting. It usually helps relieve stress and calms my nerves. Very good freewrite!

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