Weekend Freewrite : my bigger boat

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)

In bold = prompt
Everything else = my brain.

my bigger boat

I got pregressively more and more frightened of ocean sailing until I just couldn't deal with the stress any more. I got a bigger boat... but don’t worry, it isn’t toooo big, i mean, it still fits in my bathtub with plenty of room for all my other toys.

Mom was getting nervous that I never sleep, always tossing and turning and completely drenched in sweat by 6am ever since my 4th birthday — thats when all the dreams started. I’m almost 8 now, and at least I’m not afraid of the bathtub anymore! Then everyone at school would probably say I stink! anyways, mom says I’m getting a lot better but I still have to go to the weird man who makes me talk about how I’m probably not going to drown. He’s nice enough. Anyways, that’s who suggested bath toys — so that when I think about water, instead of thinking about dying, i can think of all my happy memories of playing in the tub.

Personally, I don’t think it’s working, but I don’t complain. It seems like every time I have an episode, I get a bigger boat.

And I wouldn’t expect my therapist to know much about being afraid of water, so I’m sure he’s just guessing how to cure me anyways. In fact, I’m sure he’s not afraid of anything. I mean everything about him is just so big and strong. He looks nothing like my best friend Lukas’s therapist that he started talking to when his mom and dad started living in two different houses. That guy is small and sweet, and always has candy.

My therapist has this crazy deep, echoing voice and heavy feet; you can hear him coming from all the way down the hall.

Before you even look at that man, you want to learn about his history. I mean, why on earth would a huge dude with a voice like that want to be a children’s therapist! He should be playing batman or something! Also, why would my mom pick a guy like that for me?

I think it’s probably because she’s in love with him; I wonder if i’ll have to get a second therapist when my parents get divorced. I hope if I do, he at least has candy. Or even better — I hope I get a girl, then maybe dad will fall in love, too.

Winter will be here soon, so that’s the good news. I won’t have any more field trips to the beach, or pool parties to attend for someone’s birthday. Maybe I will be so far away from water that I won’t have any episodes at all and mom will think I’m cured and I can finally go back to living my life — instead of always playing in the tub and hanging out with real life Batman.

Then maybe even I would have some time to fall in love...

This is an entry to: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/weekend-freewrite-5-18-2019-part-1-the-first-sentence

hope you enjoy!
xx Monique

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That 8-year-old thinking is so believable...
Here's another Prompt along with an invitation :)


thank you for reading :):)

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