#DailyFreeWriteChallenge (Day 79 - Warrior)

in #freewrite7 years ago

I'm a warrior
I've battled demons and monsters
lions and bears
i've challenged myself to a duel and came out the victor
fighting in the arena
a gladiator
a samurai
a soldier
i am a warrior
strong and true
to my morals and values and beliefs
i am a warrior
protector of what i love
i am a warrior
improving my skills and honing myself to become the best
i am a warrior
i am a warrior
my words are my sword and my mind is my shield
i am a warrior
who is my enemy?
everybody who wants to see me fail
i am my own enemy
the darkness is my foe
the light will guide me
i am a warrior
hear my battle cry
training every day
i am a warrior
not yet the strongest
i learn from my masters
i learn from books
from actions
from experiences
from conversations
i am a warrior

(Photo by Enoch Appiah Jr. on Unsplash)

i have more time
what do i do
this is a common theme that happens in my freewrites it
is when i get off topic and find something new to write about
when i stop thinking
this is how i combat writer's block
by not thinking
i know i say this a lot
it's what i do when i dont know what to say
i start to ramble
through the keys
im a keyboard warrior
typing furiously
i am a warrior
im going to war
with who?
all the time
and never
i am a warrior
ive never thought of myself that way before

This post is in response to the #dailyfreewritechallenge posted by @mariannewest & @improv. Today's (Day 79) prompt was "Warrior". If you're curious about the #dailyfreewritechallenge, check out the introduction post here.


Im really liking this one!! Poetry and life all in one ..

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This is so interesting. When I write @originalworks in my own blog comments nothing happens. Nothing.

Would you know why? I don't receive a response back or that sticker/badge either.

Hmmm I'm not sure! Sometimes it doesn't work for me either so I would just keep trying!

Oh I see! Thanks for the info.

It's like poetry. Then you get to the last part, the keyboard warrior. Clever.

Thanks for reading @mr-neil!

I loved the repetition of "I am a warrior" throughout the whole poem. It made your message stick to me. I like the picture you used too!

Thank you! It was the sentence that just kept coming to mind so i couldnt help but write it =)

Heeey, now this is awesome! :D

who is my enemy?
everybody who wants to see me fail
i am my own enemy

Pretty damn deep, and sometimes a tad bit too true :<

Also; Did you deliberately type down the first line abbreviated as "I'm a warrior", and each next time "I am a warrior"?

Thanks for reading @svashta! No, that wasn't deliberate! "i am a warrior" just felt more natural to type compared to "I'm a warrior"

I love the poetry of how you describe yourself pushing to improve. How you fight writer's block by not thinking and then ramble and then think of yourself in a different way. Beautiful use of Warrior!

Today I'm performing as a Marianne marionette. Frolicking stringless as I bring today's prompt to you.

thanks @brisby for reading and also for filling in for @mariannewest!

@mkkenny I've never been one for poetry but you're actually making me like it! Awesome post, well done :)

thanks for reading =)

Love how this came together and how it kept on going when you had more time :) We all are warriors!!

thanks for commenting =) I agree! we are all warriors!

Wow, excellent, strong poem and perfect picture for it. Motivating!

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