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RE: Five minute free write - Lace

in #freewrite7 years ago

We may have limited time, but the time we devote to those who are family and that we love should not have restrictions. If a family member isn't good for us, we shouldn't cut them off but think of how we can help them. Family is a unique connection to another human being that cannot be recreated. We are literally flesh and blood. Just because you think they might not help you grow, those might be some vague reasons you stop talking to friends. But those can become quite selfish...and lead to another taking actions that could have been avoided. The world isn't just about me, it's about we. And this cult of positivity and self is killing our community. You can feel free to disagree, that's what makes this an amazing world :) I just hope you never have to have the lessons some of us have had in order to learn some deeper truths.


There's always a cutoff point. Simply because someone is family doesn't excuse everything and move on as if nothing happens. I tend to believe that we grow up and choose our own families. I love my friends more than I love my family. I don't plan on stopping talking to them, but I will definitely prioritise friends over family. It can be sad, but that's reality for me.

True, everyone comes from different situations and has to make different choices. No one should simply excuse things and move on as if nothing had happened. But to treat arguments, differences, disagreements, as an impassable barrier is not the best of ideas. If you chose to love the people you've turned into your new family more than your flesh and blood, that's your choice. I've come across enough people to not question too deeply as I know some things ppl just can't get over, no matter how hard they try. Life is complex, no answer to anything, and none of us follow the same path. :)

Yeah, we kinda agree on the core. It's nice to have discussions with people who are open-minded to listen to each other. Almost strange! haha

Hehe, it is. But, like I said, I've met a lot of people who have been through a lot of things. Everyones situation is different. I can't judge why you do how you do unless I really know. And, even then, a lot of decisions people make are based on things they can never, or never wish to reveal, or don't even know, hehe. Very few things I judge for or clamp down on. :)

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