
Muahahaha. Got the next chapter written. Incorporated the last couple Burning Blade free writes too :) But, up front, you're really gonna hate me for the way the chapter ends, lol. Like old school Adam West Batman :)

Noooooo lol thats okay. I dont think I could ever hate you. Your writing is just too good for that!! Seriously cant wait!! Ahh!!!!!

Awww, thanks! :) Had a blast writing it. Whole new concepts and ideas kept popping up. A laundry list of things that he will do, have done to him, that will happen, twists and turns. The man who walks the path of vengeance must pay it's toll. Muwhahahaha

Sounds like you have a book in the works my friend!! Cant wait!!

Waiting is no longer necessary ;)
Burning Blade ...a new foe :)
burning blade a new foe.jpg

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