Freewrite Hosted by @mariannewest: Burning

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


Once upon a time I was a High School English Teacher.

I used to do anything to get my students to write.

Freewrites were included. And they were always labeled "fiction."

The freewrites did not have prompts like ours, the students simply had time, and paper, and a writing utensil. They wrote what came to mind. Sometimes they doodled, sometimes they wrote letters to their friends. Sometimes they told me stories.

One story that haunts me was about a student whose house burnt down. Her grandpa caught on fire. Her mom went back in to save him. They were both severely hurt. The grandpa died.

I remember that day. She insisted on reading the story out loud. I didn't know what the story contained, but the writer was excited so I let her.

As she was reading to the class, they were a bit in shock. A little quiet. Weird for the group. Here was this pierced, green haired, no shoe wearing girl, who liked to sing in the halls, baring her soul. I was still.

And then from the back of the classroom came howling laughter.

It was the girls niece. They had a large family and Auntie and Niece were the same age, and in the same classroom. Both my students, so different, but so close.

And the girl was laughing so hard she was crying.

"You are so stupid!" she shrieked.

And then the writer started laughing too.

And then we all started laughing. It must have been a joke or a something, because why would the niece laugh?

Months later I met the Mother.

She had burn marks on her arms.

Maybe its best I no longer teach.

This was my response to @mariannewest's daily freewrite prompt. Thank you for stopping by.


images and graphics compiled together using Canva and their stock images. The banners are used with the permission of the community who they were created for


Hey, @metzli.

I don't know if this is biographical or not, but it's extremely well told and compelling. I can't imagine being there and hearing this story about family members burning and then all of sudden everyone laughing. I guess you wouldn't know if it were true in the moment, or even after, unless you asked the mother how she burned herself. Very haunting, very real and very plausible for high school students.

It was biographical.

Thank you for taking the time to read it.

Thanks for sharing. I would imagine based on what you wrote that it's not a very pleasant memory, so not easy to bring back up. But I'm glad you did. I think it paints a pretty stark picture of many things, including how teenagers can be. Not all, but many want to cut off feelings that they find dumb or uncool. I homeschooled our boys for a part of their middle school years because of what was going on there.

I liked your story, everyone laughs, but the story is true, very good

It was very awkward for me. But I got through it. Thanks for stopping by.

Oh dear. I do wonder about the way those girls processed their past trauma and grief! Or maybe they never did!

Those girls had a LOT of trauma in their lives. It was often difficult when they were making stories up and when they were being serious.

I learned. When they were making stories up, at the end of the story they would say: "I was just kidding." But it took me a while to figure it out. Some of their stories were outlandish.

Oh my the awkwardness on you. Hmm I won't know what to respond in that when they started laughing at something so miserable. The things they do to cover their dismay, perhaps? Hmm..

TBH I didn't realize how awkward it was until I met the mom. At the time, I had thought they had made the story up. They were my students for a long time. I got to learn lots about them.

I think you read a story from when I taught before. You thought it was fiction, and I let it stay that way - those students were something else.

Wow, I would have no idea what to do if I was in your shoe.

Wow, I would have no
Idea what to do if
I was in your shoe.

                 - roselifecoach

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

That seems so sad to read it now...

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