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RE: Day 601: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: tax

This is so sadden.

How could they be collecting taxe without using it for the betterment of their nation? How could they hiking price of taxes when others dont pay at all?

African leaders need to go back to the drawing board, restrategize and come up with a better solution to our problems.

We no longer need to elect selfish and greedy leaders. We to choose people who have the people at the mind and are willing to sacrifice for the country.

Thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android


Wish the new generation will boycott elections to show them we have the power, not them

Posted using Partiko Android

Seriously I hope so too but unfortunately even the youths are following their footsteps.

Posted using Partiko Android

They all just being part of the system

Posted using Partiko Android

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