Worst enemies (Five minutes freewrite)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

It would have been her 42nd birthday, yet there she was rotting away for almost three years. It was his first time at the side of her grave and he had not forgiven her. Probably he never would. Running away like that with a guy he used to call friend.
It had been Paul's idea that they should meet at the cemetery to talk things over. 'Let bygones be bygones', he'd said.
Jane was gone, that was a fact, as far as Larry was concerned she had been gone for 12 years. To him she'd been dead since the day he had left taking Mickey with him. Robbing him of his son was something he could never forgive her for. Or Paul for that matter.
Scum of the earth, both of them, that's what they were. He knew that's why Paul wanted to see him all of a sudden. Nothing to do with Jane, he knew Paul was never going to say he was sorry - for anything. Since the boy had returned to live with his rightful father, he hardly ever saw Mickey. Strange how they both called him son, yet he didn't call father either of them.
Just like Paul to make a show of his eternal love, showing up with that outrageously big bunch of red roses, Larry thought as his worst enemy finally arrived. Time for the epilogue to this bloody soap opera!


'You've put on some weight', he said and immediately cursed himself for such a stupid and petty remark. They were both past their prime, but Paul had always been better looking. That's why Jane had left him, he was sure of that, although she had always said it was because he didn't love her enough. Bullshit! As if Paul had loved her more. If he had, she wouldn't have ended up slitting her wrists, would she?
As expected, Paul wanted to come to an agreement about Michael. He'd raised him as his own and he missed the boy.
Still bullshit, Larry thought and said it out loud,too.
'You took my wife and I have barely patched up things with my boy and now you want to mess with his head again?'
'Stop saying my wife, she left you, she wasn't yours anymore, she was mine! Mine, you hear?'
'Yeah, she was so happy with you she killed herself!'
In an instant they were at each other's throat, fighting with all the pent-up rage that had been brewing inside them for so many years.
Soon Larry was panting and the world started spinning around him. He fell to his knees clutching at his chest, but the other was too blinded with rage to try and help him. He kept raining blows over the fallen man's head. Larry raised both arms and with a final effort pushed Paul away, sending him headfirst into the tombstone, crushing the roses and his skull.
There was no one left alive to hear the faint voice, more like an echo than a real voice:
'Now we're even!'

Story written for @mariannewest's freewrite challenge. Today's prompt was: epilogue! Check out her blog and join our freewrite community.

Thanks for reading!


Image is my own.


Oh my! A tragic story of jealous and hatred that ends in two who lost even their own integrity and left poor Michael alone with a dark, angry legacy. Great writing.

Damn! That was a twist of all twists. I loved it! Let's see what you can do with Thursday's prompt: Day 259: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: sell-out.

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