Sudden death (Five minutes freewrite)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Lots of troubles were weighing in on the king’s mind. The High Priest kept nagging him the gods were angry, the people were getting worried they’re going to starve and now this arrogant prince from the north was coming to discuss a permanent truce. Not that he didn’t want a truce, of course he did as things stood, but he just didn’t trust that sneaky youth, already assuming all the airs of a ruler with his father not dead yet.
The city should be in splendid condition when the Prince arrived, he warned his trusted councilor. The streets well-swept and the stalls laden with fruit and vegetables, so the Prince will see they are not pressed for food. And than the game.
‘I don’t need to tell you how important it is that we win. We cannot afford to lose all that territory our northern neighbors have their eyes one. The crops in those valley are all that keeps hunger at bay right now. Do tell the players heads will roll if we lose the game, yours included. I will see to it myself’.

The high councilor had no doubt the king meant every word he’d said so he thought advice from the High Priest, who, barely a few months on the job, was quite eager to strengthen his own position and get the king in line if possible. His predecessor had gone soft in his old age and had allowed the king way too many liberties. He welcomed each day when the skies were gray and kept the sun hidden. Everybody believed the gods were angry and it was in his power to appease them. It was a big gamble, but he had to take it. He will put on a spectacular show and then the skies will clear. The mighty Huitzilopochtli will smile upon them once again.
The head of the army groaned when he heard one thousand men would be needed for the game. ‘Where the hell am I going to find that many?’ But he didn’t say anything. He knew the High Priest was a very ambitious man and the king was easy to sway. He had to get the men needed if he wanted to keep his position. And, if he played his cards right, he might even convince the king to grant him that piece of land by the river his wife had her eyes set on.

Nobody told the prisoners anything, but, as they were marched into town, their hearts sank and their knees began to gave way. A young lad, barely 15, threw up when they saw they were taken to the Ullamaliztli court. He used to play ball when he was a kid. They all did.
The court had been adorned with white flowers of peace, the tent where the king and the prince would be watching had already been set up. All around the court, shiny new spikes had been placed. Everything was in order.
By the time the noblemen arrived, the prisoners had made their peace. Most of them were former warriors and to show fear at such time was unthinkable.
The High Priest made a formidable impression in his golden robes. The foreign prince had witnessed many such ceremonies before, but never on such a scale. He stood in awe watching the endless march of prisoners up the stairs of the temple and the river of blood flowing on the other side. The priests worked with coordinated moves, swiftly dispatching the prisoners to the afterlife. The High Priest took it upon himself to choose the most fearsome looking warriors. Their heads were piled into a basket and rushed to decorate the spikes.
As the two teams made their entrance in the court, the king and the prince shook hands. The winners would get to keep the fertile valleys both kingdoms vied for.
Just as the High Priest had hoped, the sun was pleased with the sacrifice and broke through the clouds as the game was about to begin. Up on their iron spikes, 100 severed heads watched with glazed eyes the game for which they had been sacrificed.

Story written for @mariannewest's freewrite challenge. Today's prompt was: players! Check out her blog and join our freewrite community.

Thanks for reading!

Images: 1, 2.


Love this. I saw that court at Chichen Itza in Mexico. Very cool way to dramatize history. Thanks.

I bringing today's prompt:

You're a lucky man to have been there....
However, I think today's prompt is 'talking dog'! :))

Actually, the one dog does most of the talking. The other one just asks questions. ;-)

Arghh - can't stand kings and priests and such. Decorating with freshly cut off heads is highly overrated! I am glad that we changed our esthetics.

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