Cane /Canna - 5 Minute Freewrite Day 189 [Eng/Ita]

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

freewrite mio.jpg

The wind of the steppe was blewing on every cane, drawing different notes, as if these were tall, lanky singers, who competed to overwhelm each other with voices, bending and stretching to give more strength to their own emissions.

The sun was barely warming the icy grass, no more than four inches high, that covered the earth like a carpet without any distinctive signs, as far as the eye could see.

The hooves of the horses were drumming in the distance, among the whistles of the indomitable nomads, children of sky.

A theory of brightly colorful handkerchiefs was fluttering over a pile of stones, bare sanctuary of laconic prayers to an omnipresent and blue-steel god.

All this was in the throat of the only singer, bent by years of exercises to resonate in cavities unusual and unknown to other peoples.

Diplophonies and triplophonies were flowing out, guttural and metallic, speaking with the sounds of the homeland, primordially transmitting identity and history, without the need for words.

Radik Tyulyush performing a Sygyt Solo during the Huun Huur Tu concert at Fantasy Studios, Berkeley, California November 18, 2008.

[versione italiana]

Il vento della steppa soffiava su ogni canna, traendone note diverse, come se queste fossero dei coristi alti, allampanati, che gareggiavano per sopraffarsi l'un l'altro con le voci, piegandosi e stiracchiandosi per dare più forza alle proprie emissioni.

Il sole scaldava appena la gelida erba, alta non più di quattro dita, che copriva la terra come un tappeto senza segni distintivi, a perdita d'occhio.

Gli zoccoli dei cavalli tambureggiavano in lontananza, fra i fischi degli indomiti nomadi, figli del cielo.

Una teoria di fazzoletti colorati vivacemente garriva sopra un cumulo di pietre, scarno santuario di preghiere laconiche a un dio onnipresente e azzurro acciaio.

Tutto questo era nella gola dell'unico cantore, piegata da anni di esercizi a risuonare in cavità insolite e ignote agli altri popoli.

Diplofonie e triplofonie sgorgavano gutturali e metalliche, parlando con i suoni della terra d'origine, trasmettendo primordialmente identità e storia, senza bisogno di parole.

This post is part of the 5 Minute Freewrite Contest.

This is also done with The Most Dangerous Writing App and only a little editing for typos.


What a beautiful freewrite and the music is fascinating. Thank you for the rare experience!

The hooves of the horses were drumming in the distance, among the whistles of the indomitable nomads, children of sky.

Just awesome! his talent is phenomenal.

He should be an author (I mean a published and read one), seriously. Sometimes I would like more juice but he's phenomenal in terms of descriptions and sensitiveness.

I want to see that, too, from both of you! Just too good to hide in a bushel!

Maybe this steemit is just going to be a fuse in a powder keg for all of us, who knows ;-) Always too kind Jan!

Sometimes I would like more juice

The bigger problem for me is that I can write about anything but it's very difficult to find something really strong and new to write about

A compliment from two people who write with great talent like you, is very valuable!

You write extremely well! I'm happy to support your work, my friend.

Davvero troppa cultura e sensibilità al vento la tua.. anche in dodecafonia direi. Se ti mettevi a scrivere seriamente dai tuoi vent'anni, a quest'ora ci cagavi tutti in testa banconote da 100.

Ogni tanto azzecco qualche frase, ma sai benissimo qual è il problema: sono troppo volatile di pensiero e di determinazione, non riesco a focalizzarmi per molto tempo su una cosa.

Si lo so, e anche non tantissima autostima se mi permetti.. però lo dico sinceramente e, magari, anche con una punta di rammarico. Sai benissimo anche te che c'é una miriade di scrittori là fuori che scrive peggio. O che magari pagherebbe bene per un ghostwriter come te. Comunque non é troppo tardi. ✌️

Was that throat singing?? My husband, @freedompoint, loves it! Your freewrite was beautiful!

I'm also here to deliver the prompt for today!

Also, don't forget to read the latest posts from our new page

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This is Sygyt, one of the singing styles of the turkish people of Tuva (Russia). Sygyt imitates the whistle of the wind between the canes.
There are other styles, with more throat vibrations, for example Kargyraa (that sounds a bit like metal growling) 😎

Ohhhh that makes sense! It's so interesting how many different styles are out there!

Absolutely amazing! Your descriptions never fail to transport me to these incredible settings! It's so easy to get lost in your writing (and in his performance 😉). I've added his solo to my playlist, grazie for the music!

Thank you, Brisby! Freewrites bring often my mind to recall things that are part of my interests or that have impressed me particularly, in a sort of random "marcopedia" articles 🤣😂

What amazing music!! Love it!!!

Really! Throat singing and diplophonies give me big emotions... unfortunately all my tries to do it when showering sound like I have a ghost with issues haunting my bathroom :P

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