Trains on a track....5 minute freewrite - One year.

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

“I love you so, so much,” She said, looking into his eyes, “Please don't make me do this, I don't want to leave you,”

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“ I don't want it either babes, but you have to, my hunni. You have do this for me, for you...and for us.”

Hands joined together for the last few hours, now loosened as the train pulled into the station.
She held him tight “Please don't make me do this.”
“You have to my gorgeous woman, you need to know yourself without me, after what happened. I want you in my life forever, beautiful. More than anything in this world.
And I'll be right here, waiting for you. One year from today, from right now.”

She looked up, her tears welling up, spilling down her perfect face.

“No letters, no emails, no phone calls. Just you back here, in a year, OK? I'll be here, I swear I will,” He said, trying to hold back his own tears.

“I'll be here too sweetheart, I promise I will .. It's the only place I want to be and back in your arms.” She sobbed, quietly.

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Head straining out of the train, she disappeared into the distance.

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'A year ago today', He thought, as he stood there, on the station platform.

His pears pricked up, straining for the sound of a locomotive, and his dreams coming true with it...

He watched as the train pulled slowly into the station.

Palms sweating, and heart pounding He saw a smile, and then his whole being melted....

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images pixabay.


Wow. I did not picture you as a romantic. I swear I was expecting a bad ending - either the girl not coming back or him having found someone else. But this is just so sweet <3 I love this!!
Really beautiful story. I'm glad you've joined the freewriters! I can't wait to read more from you :)

Me?- I'm a total romantic ....if it wasn't for this pesky world making me 'not be so' for the last decade.
Give me romanticism over reality any day...

I did. Thank you. I read back through the whole story and I'm really curious to see what Amy's gotten herself into.

really? How cool. Thank you! will be on a

Yes, really :)
I'd seen the comment, but had to wait for when I had enough time to go through the whole series ;)

you will be on a journey

I can't wait :D

How cool! lol

I really enjoy writing fiction - but it's 'new' to me as in the last few months since joining steemit.
I stopped writing fiction in high school! lol

I'm hoping to finally getting a grip on 'writing stories' (much more enjoyable), than just political/economic/ philosophical...blah blah... you know, that 'real worldy' stuff!

It requires a different mindset, (for me) - which I have found impossible to switch from one to the other......until this last week...we will see...
( hopefully my inner block has gone...)

This is an amazing love story. I had a thought in between reading this but I'm glad the way it ended. No heartbreak! Together forever 😘😘

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