BOARD: 5 minute freewrite (@mariannewest challenge)

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

I'm bored. I'm board. I'm a board. I am a piece of wood. If I am a piece of wood, then I must float. If I float, I must weigh the same as a duck. If I weigh the same as a duck....then you must think I'm a witch! Please don't burn me! I'm not a witch. I'm just a slice of tree! I will bring you flame and fire, warmth and the smell of wood burning, which is a nice smell.

I always liked that smell. It reminds me of camping: dark nights, crickets whirring in cadence, flames crackling, night wind tossing in the trees, and me huddled up in my wool blanket, next to the fire pit, holding a stick of goo over the hot blue flame, deep inside. It catches fire. I throw it in between a couple of crackers, squeeze it shut while it pulls off the stick, I melt a chunk of chocolate in between, and toss it in my mouth before it has a chance to cool. Wait, I am a piece of wood. I am IN the fire!

It reminds me of winter mornings, getting ready for school. I could hear a shredding sound as my dad tore up last week's newspaper and rustled around in the bed of ash making a tee pee of paper and tinder. I would pull the blankets up over my ears, and let my nose poke out, just enough to feel the chill bite my nostrils. Nope. I would not be getting out of bed today. Not unless Dad could get that fire blazing hot.

And he always did. Every morning. 6 am. Before everyone was up. How did he manage to brave the cold like that? All alone in the dark house. The rest of us snug in our beds? What sacrifice.


I love this freewrite and how you just let your thoughts flow :D

Today I am the delivery of links puppet. While 3/4th asleep I cannot be witty. ❀ Here is today's prompt!

guesswhatiam #3 -- Earn free SBD. Contest posted

my dad did the same thing and I am so grateful that
a) I live now in a warm climate
b) I have a heater which turns on with a little switch if I need it

I know! Times change. :o) But I actually miss that wood stove...everyone used to burn wood when I was kid. You could smell the Winter in the air, and watch the billowing smoke out of all the chimneys. I loved it. I miss it. But heaters are great.

i bought a woodstove for a house we had - but I like the choice of an easier way. We lived on the 3rd floor and coals had to be carried up, ash carried down, it was freezing in the morning..... lots of work. And of course, lots of pollution. Now, I would love to have a rocket stive - burns very clean.

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