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RE: Health -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

Taxes suck, no matter where you live, although I've heard they are notoriously hard to file in the U.S. Something like, it takes 16 hours on average? Madness haha.

Health should always comes first, whether for yourself or your family :) Take it easy mate - looking forward to more freewrites.


What are they like where you are?

Not so bad, maybe a morning's work. I'm in the UK, a lot of it is already pre-figured out thanks to various other forms we fill in throughout the year, related to work, income, loans e.t.c.

I hear in Estonia it takes about an hour tops, but then they all have government issued ID cards which keep track of everything. I guess that's the payoff between privacy and convenience. Not sure what I'd prefer in the long run!

Well, I think all my information is at their fingertips anyways, so they might as well make my life easier!

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