Health -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

Good digestion wait on appetite and health, and health on both. My fingers type more slowly than usual today, as if my hand is actually fatigued. OH! That's kind of health-related, good on me, even though it was only accidentally tangentially related to the prompt. I could do with another few hours sleep. But also, I can't Good heavens, let's talk about financial health, or really, just that I need to get cracking on our taxes. I didn't mean to put them off this long. This was a busy time to be doing a show, I guess. I could have done them in February, maybe? I dunno. Just, every moment that I'm not with the kiddo feels like a moment that I could be with the kiddo, except when he's asleep, but that means that sitting down for 6 hours straight to do something is right out of the question. And that's how I'm used to doing taxes. Taxes are ridiculous. Nothing should take that long. I mean, not nothing, but taxes shouldn't. It should all be pretty easy, you know? But, like, I'm not sure which of the multiple choice questions I'm supposed to answer which way. There are lots of different sources of income. I think taxes wouldn't be that hard for someone with a "regular" job, but, like nobody has a regular job these days. If you do, well, tax time probably isn't stressful to you. You know what you're doing. It's all in nicely labeled forms that people send to you. Which of course means it could be EVEN EASIER. If you got

well, whatever. Good on ya, if you don't have taxes that take a long time to do.


Taxes suck, no matter where you live, although I've heard they are notoriously hard to file in the U.S. Something like, it takes 16 hours on average? Madness haha.

Health should always comes first, whether for yourself or your family :) Take it easy mate - looking forward to more freewrites.

What are they like where you are?

Not so bad, maybe a morning's work. I'm in the UK, a lot of it is already pre-figured out thanks to various other forms we fill in throughout the year, related to work, income, loans e.t.c.

I hear in Estonia it takes about an hour tops, but then they all have government issued ID cards which keep track of everything. I guess that's the payoff between privacy and convenience. Not sure what I'd prefer in the long run!

Well, I think all my information is at their fingertips anyways, so they might as well make my life easier!

At least, we don't have that kind of taxes here - which suddenly makes me happy and we all know happy people are healthier!
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Ugh, it sounds so confusing. I have a 9-5 so it's not so miserable, but I forgot to add the school loan interest.

really appreciate good health post sir

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