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RE: Forty Four - The Master Therapist

in #freewrite6 years ago

Thank you for your post and your photo is fantastic! Are you a Cancer?
I too have PTSD and anxiety, but don't write/talk about it too much. Wish I had the 44 master therapist, mine is community free and I refer to him as white shoes because he wears those giant Dad sneakers. He means well, but we don't do much, more of a two-cent affair.


Hello Kimberlylane! Thank you for commenting! I'm not a Cancer, I'm a Capricorn, but my South Node is in Cancer which means I'm moving in that direction (interestingly from Capricorn where my North Node is). I'm grateful for the influence of Cancer and to be moving in that direction because Capricorn has been a though row to hoe. Are you Cancer?I'm not sure which photo you mean - the one for the post? I feel for you having PTSD and anxiety and I wish you had better help than you seem to have at the moment. My current therapist has a sliding scale. Maybe you could find someone more equipped to help you who might be willing to do a sliding scale. I've amassed a lot of beneficial information during the course of my journey and I'm working on a website to share it with others. Making sound (or giving sound to your anxiety) is one of the keys to helping the energy move so that it can heal. Making sound means vocalizing how you feel with out words. I also go off on tirades spewing whatever is in my head at the time to relieve some of the pressure as well but when done without words it helps curb the self judgments and allows for grounding.

I've had counseling in the past from a pretty descent therapist, and have made great progress, but a condition I'll probably always have to varying degrees. Flares up at times.
I used to run an ecstatic dance group and I think that was very helpful, not just for me, but others and it sounds kind of similar to what you're describing with the sound therapies.
I do write a lot about my conflicting feelings in a poetic/narrative form and sometimes find the courage to share my words in front of small audiences.
I'm a Scorpio, sun and moon. Sounds like you know more about astrology than I do as I have no idea what I'm moving towards? My mother and one of my son's are Capricorn, also a couple of my good friends. The guy I see is a Cancer.
Would love to see your webpage when it's up and running! I'm also taking a web class (just for squarespace) but am also thinking of starting one. I need to get more clear about what it's for? Writing and/or my dreaming? I work a lot with my dreams and would like to start offering that to others. I think it's good that people like you and I who have gone through a lot can help others as we have more an understanding and empathy than someone who has just read about the condition.
Hope you have a great weekend.

Yes, stress and trauma can hard wire us into patterned physical/neurological responses, which is why, after so many decades, really, I'm still in therapy off and on. I have tools now for handling the intensity, and vastly more understandings about myself, which helps, and yet flare ups happen. I agree we can help others with the condition who may not have tools to understand themselves and tools to nurture and rewire their nervous systems. I'd enjoy supporting you in discovering and building your unique way of reaching out to others as I'm learning to do the same for myself. I'd like to share my dream interpretation style with you sometime. I believe it's revealing on our deeper emotional selves that express in dreams. It's a pleasure to connect with you. Blessings.

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