Penning a piece about Dad and mold

in #freewrite6 years ago


Here I am, Sunday, Father’s Day, and alone, so rolling up my proverbial sleeves on the sunniest day of the year to write about mold! Of all the freewrite prompts to come up today!

Last night, I spent my evening sorting through some of my writing’s as a fellow poet is encouraging me to do so after I cried at my monthly library writing group about how I seemed incapable of assembling, and producing, a collection of writings. Sarah, a very short and past middle-aged woman who moved here from the Midwest is the most amazing fiery poet and artist, with a printing press and art supplies that fill her entire living room!

I suppose she took pity on me and invited me for tea to show me some of her past projects she thought I could use as a model. Pair these with photos of my soul collage and put together in nice report-folder looking things and make them available to the public.

Easy enough when I look at the requirements for completed project, like I could have thrown this together in an hour as a 5th grader wanting an A on my state or presidential report, so what’s my problem now I wonder? But there’s something that nearly paralyzes me when it comes to compiling and sharing my writings?

Is that because someone may be able to break some code of who I am if they take the time to lie them all out one beside the other? Like some invisible map of me will emerge with such clarity and simplicity and it will be so easy for perfect strangers to locate the parts of me I’ve hidden for a reason?

Many in my stack are directly linked with my Dad. I note in my journal this morning, that I don’t think that I’ve ever written a poem devoted entirely to my mother, she does show up as a side character, or just as her in the occasional dream, but so queer I’ve never penned a tribute to her besides the ones I write in Valentine and Birthday cards. I suppose there’s no remaining mold on those memories? Perhaps, we start with the top tiles working our way into the entirely dark corners so we don’t have to keep switching rags?

I started to pen some ideas of how to weave all together, dreams, poems, life vignette’s and observations and to define a purpose for these, something not unlike a manual devoted to cleaning persevering black mold from bathroom windows and walls. Surely, not any kind of best seller, but a life-raft for someone else attempting the same kind of psychological cleaning--I’ve learned to write and write and write in an attempt to excavate that which threatens my health.

When do I just pull out the spray-bottle of bleach?

Photo: Me and Dad, shortly after his stroke.


I know how you feel about compiling your writing into some organization. That's a sweet lady who took an interest in you. Years ago I attended a writers group, but I was too busy to keep up with raising the boys as a single mom. Nice work with the freewrite!

Yes, not an easy task and yet, we're sticking to this freewrite contest--putting a write and selfie together. I think it's a good practice for me--it's helping me force myself over and through the times I don't feel like doing something with my writing.

I agree, and has been extremely challenging. My personality is the type to push itself. But I've never done something like this so I'm trying to see if I can get to the end. Thank you for your ongoing support and love.

You too, wandernrose!

Love and support to you!

Thanks, improv. Feel supported here on steemit where I can express myself freely and meet in the web of this humanity, people like you!

It’s not easy giving ourselves away. Perhaps, it is meant to happen in pieces, so we don’t feel the remorse of pouring our souls into one short story, or is it because we are afraid to find out, we are all alike in so many ways. Whatever it is, this mechanism we use, we must trust it until we are ready. 🐓🐓

Thank you, @mother2chicks for your heartfelt observations.
Yes, we must trust the reveals to come when we're ready--encouraging to get that reminder.

I really enjoyed your post. Plus the photograph of you and your Dad was really special. The light in your eyes was obvious to me. 🐓🐓

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