FreeWrite: Driving Ms AbbysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freewrite6 years ago


"What drives you? What takes you over the edge? To the point where nothing else matters? You just want it so bad, you cannot think about anything else?"

She looked at him, so intensely, he was sure she could see him perspiriting.

"Why? What has made you feel that way?"

"Hatred. I think I am blinded by a need, a need to see blood spill. I dream about it when I sleep. I think about it when I am awake."

Now she was scaring him. But at the same time it excited him.

"What happened? Why are you so angry?"

"I don't want to talk about it now. What are you doing tonight? You want to come over. Come help me do something. If you love me, come."

He wasn't sure how to respond. Of course he loved her. But he didn't want to see blood spill. In fact, blood made him a little squeamish. But he knew he was being silly. This is Abby, he was talking about. His girlfriend. And they were not in some vampire movie. He nodded.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Come by my place at midnight. Call out to me like an owl 3 times and wait for me to let you in through the window. Make sure no one sees you. "

Now she was talking. He could hear his heart beat. This is it. She is finally inviting him to her room. He nodded. Time moved so slowly. He couldn't wait to get to her place. He was there by 11.30pm. Yes half hour too early. He wasn't sure what to do. He climbed up the tree across the road, and waited.

He couldn't help but peek into her room. The room was very quiet. Was she asleep? And then in slow motion, he saw her room door open, and a silhouette of a man. He couldn't quite see what was going on, but he felt the chill reach his bones, as he saw the glint of the knife raised over and over and over again. Did he still call out to her or should he call for 911?

All images taken with my trusty iPhone 7 Plus, edited with my favourite app Photofox


A FreeWrite has the power to bring forth stories you didn't know resided in your head! It can be dark and sad, it can be creepy and frightful, it can be joyous with a happy ending. So many places in your head to explore. So what did the prompt drive do for the other authors? Find out at @mariannewest and then head on over to the @freewritehouse for more.

’Til we meet again over text, pics, videos, maybe even coffee - Steem On!!





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Dang - you got me a bit scared that she wanted to kill him - but he was supposed to do the cleanup. What a dark mind you have 🤪
Well done!!

Ya, I scare me too
Thank you @mariannewest 😊

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❤ MWAH!!! ❤

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