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RE: Day 500: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: sound

in #freewrite5 years ago

I get bothered enough when that few seconds of a high-pitched ring bursts through my ear, I couldn't imagine living with a constant head-noise! That must be awful. :(

Your snowy photo looks magnificent, though. :) I'm sure it must get annoying having to deal with the white stuff in such thick piles like that, but it's a novelty for me! I haven't seen snow since I was around 8yrs old, and even that was just a few icy chunks strewn across the dirt, nothing majestic like what's pictured!

Please join us for the new prompt! Day 501!

⭐✨ ✨⭐

I know that you've already done today's prompt, but this is my first time doing the rounds for prompt delivery and I don't want to miss a single person. 😂


The best thing about a thick blanket of snow is the way the world sounds. There's a crispness that only happens in a deep and snowy winter. I can't imagine living without it.

It sounds lovely ~ I can't imagine the tranquility/serenity that would result... or that could be my fairy-tale bias. :) living in the hot and humid sub-tropics, I love the idea of snow too much!

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