Interview with Mr. Greens: Day 753: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: greens

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)

Image by KELLEPICS from Pixabay


Day 735: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: greens

Image by PDPhotos from Pixabay

Bobby twirled around the forest looking up at the sky with his arms extended. He loved the forest, the trees, the feel of the soil. He was happy going there ever since his family took him on a camping vacation.

"Hello Bobby. Nice to see you again," he heard a voice say slowly.

Shocked, he stopped suddenly to see where the voice was coming from. He didn't see anyone. Looking down, he noticed the giant tree standing right in front of him. His eyes now wide as marbles, he stammered, "I must be dreaming. Trees can't talk."

He started to run, but the voice continued, "I won't hurt you." The tree's eyes were opened, but Bobby had a hard time seeing who was in the green mask.

"What are you?" he said, "and how did you know my name? You look scary."

"I do," the tree said, then continued, "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm a tree person, and I've seen you many times visit the forest with your parents."

Now more intrigued than scared, Bobby talked rapidly, "Never heard of a tree person. What is a tree person? Are you really alive? What's your name? Where did you come from? How old are you? How long have you been living here? Where did you learn to speak English? Do you know the other trees in the forest? Can they talk like you? What do you do all day?"

Trying to remember all the questions, he responded, "A tree person let me think. I know I've heard it before. Anyway, I remember having someone once who looked after us. He was talking about some new program for sustain. I didn't understand what it was about. But then that person left and never returned. That was a long time ago. Now, I hear people when they visit the forest. You see, they don't see me unless they want to. And I remember the things they talk about. I don't know how long I've been here. In the daytime, I enjoy the sunshine, but lately it's been too hot. It burns my eyes. And, I don't have a name."

Well, I'll just call you Mr. Greens because you are all green and such. I have a candy bar. Do you want one?" Billy asked.

Mr. Greens responded, "OK, thank you for the name. But I don't eat candy bars."

Bobby found out Mr. Greens knew a lot about the forest. Then he thought for a moment about his class assignment in which he had to write a non-fiction paper. His teacher gave the class an example. He hadn't found a topic yet, so decided Mr. Greens would make a good subject for his school project.

Bobby told Mr. Greens his plan. But he said, "Bobby, I don't think you should tell anyone that you talked with me. You should tell them about the forest." But Bobby was so excited that he was going to get the chance to tell his class about Mr. Greens.

Ready to head home, Mr. Greens warned, "Bobby promise me you won't come here at night by yourself." Bobby promised.

After finishing his report, Bobby got ready for bed, but couldn't sleep. He thought about all the good things that was going to happen. His report would be the best in class receiving an "A". No less than an "A-". All his classmates would clap for him. Then his teacher would enter his report in the 5th grade Literature Contest at the School Fair. The prize he was going to receive would be useful. And he couldn't wait to return and show Mr. Greens his ribbon.

Image made in Canva with graphic by KELLEPICS from Pixabay

Looking around the classroom as he read his report, Bobby couldn't understand why all his classmates were looking at each other and whispering. When he finished, they didn't clap as he expected. Then his teacher said, "Bobby, the assignment was to write on a non-fiction topic. If you need more explanation, then stay after class and we'll talk some more.

Bobby couldn't wait to see Mr. Greens. "Why didn't they believe me? I was telling the truth," he said.

Mr. Greens felt sad but said, "As I told you before, once people are older, they sometimes lose the ability to hear us and all the wonders of nature the forest have to offer. They are busy with their families. Yes, they visit the forest, but walk right past and don't see us."

"But if they just stopped to listen, you could teach them a lot, couldn't you?, Bobby replied.

"Yes, Bobby, I could," Mr. Greens said. "But I feel it's too late for me. You can if you want to help the forest. You can find out and explain to them:

  • why trees are important to our planet;
  • what do trees eat;
  • do trees have value;
  • how long can a tree live;
  • whether or not people can hear and talk to trees;
  • what makes a tree die;
  • do trees have feelings;
  • do trees have families;
  • why are all trees not the same; and
  • what can we do to help the forest."

"Ok, Mr. Greens, I promise. See you later. You are the wisest and smartest person I know. I'll never forget you," Billy said proudly.

Several years later, Billy walked across the stage and accepted his diploma. He was on his way to fulfilling his promise to Mr. Greens.

Amazed at how much the forest had change, Bobby didn't know if he was too late to help Mr. Greens. He called out several times, "Mr. Greens, are you here? I'd like you to meet my family."

Barely able to open his eyes now, Mr. Greens looked up at Bobby and smiled.


Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever you are working on.

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Wow this was such a beautiful story @justclickindiva, it felt like the same heart as in Wizard Of Oz, but with so much more meaning, nature is precious and we need to take care of it, it's awesome.

This post is AWESOME!

It has therefore got a manual 100% upvote from @thisisawesome, for the Awesome Daily Upvotes in category Freewrite, I give out 1 such vote in that category per day, plus 3 more in other categories, and your post will also be featured in todays Awesome Daily report for more visibility.

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Steem ecosystem by rewarding it".

Thanks so much @thisisawesome. I hadn't thought of the Wizard of Oz when writing it. A sort of magical quality. But now that you say that, yes it does have that quality that changes your way of thinking in the end.

Appreciate you taking the time to read my post And thanks for the exposure in your Awesome Daily report.

Thanks @justclickindiva, and do keep creating your very awesome stories, I enjoy them a lot.

The images you scanned to make this post are fantastic.
I think you have a noble and sensitive soul and therefore you are able to write in the same way.
Nature is so great and evolved that with a small gesture of love it can be reborn. Nature always shows gratitude with a flower, the crystal clear water of the springs or with the smile of a small animal. Nature and Mr. Greens are a source of wisdom and use, as you did at the end of this story, the exact word "thanks".
A big hello @justclickindiva

Thanks so much @marcybetancourt for taking the time to stop by and read my post. Although I don't have a green thumb at home with my own garden, I love nature and it's beauty within. I appreciate your comments. Hello and nice to meet you too.

hi dear @justclickindiva, you wrote a great post !! you have been able to talk about fundamental topics such as the importance of protecting and taking care of nature in such a simple and clear way, like the words of a child. your writing reveals all your sweetness but also the awareness of the values in which to believe. thank you for sharing this beautiful story with us :-))
congratulations on your work and your curie rating

Hello. Nice to meet you @road2horizon Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to thoroughly read my post. You have captured the essence of what I was trying to convey...through a child's eyes. We must exposure our children to nature in a way they can understand and appreciate it.

I appreciate your lovely comments. Have a great day and take care.

I'm perfectly agree with you! maybe you could write stories for children ... :-)) all the best for you

@justclickindiva your fable of the forest really moved me, when we are in the city surrounded by cement and iron we forget the living nature. I have proposed your writing for my favorites this week of FreeWrite House. Receive my affections.

Hello @felixgarciap. Thank you for stopping by and viewing my post. I appreciate your kind words. Yes, we do forget what we don't see everyday. And we need to teach our children. I'm just learning about sustainability, and thought this would be a great opportunity with this prompt to start really thinking about the subject.

Thanks also for your recommendation to Freewrite House.

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Thanks for the exposure. I have joined the Discord channel.

Hello Hello!

I loved it, I think the plot is interesting and I want you to keep writing ♡

Greetings from Venezuela

Thanks @iamsaray. Appreciate you stopping my and taking the time to read my post. Thanks for your comment.

Hi justclickindiva,

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