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RE: The Hawker [5MinuteFreeWrite]

in #freewrite7 years ago

Karma exists dear friend @jedau, if you are evil you always pay the consequences, the rat at the end of the plate was the fruit of his planting, excellent work dear friend, thank you very much for another reflective material.
Have a great day


Indeed it does. I'm glad you caught that in my tiny parable. I didn't want to let bad acts go unpunished, not even if it's fictional. I think this story rings true in a number of different situations. Evil doesn't pay, and it's not that hard to do good things. Thank you for stopping by, my dear friend! I appreciate all the kind words :D

I get this interpretation... but I think it was a pleasant surprise to the Hawker. His grateful hawk had given him a gift in his soup, a little extra protein!

A surprise indeed! There's debate whether it's pleasant or not, but if it were me, I'll consider it karmic justice as I'm vomiting on the pavement haha

Nah, I'm all for punishing those who punish folks for doing their jobs too well.

Bonus protein!

That's a great way to look at it. Protein, whatever form it comes in, is still protein anyway haha!

And fiber!

Yes, the fiber. Now, we couldn't leave that off the diet of course!

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