Spa - Freewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago

I still remember that cold Autumn evening as if it were yesterday.

There were four of us that night.

Me, Jonathan, Dorothy, and Meredith.

Jonathan and I had been best friends for about 10 years even though we were both quite different.


He was incredibly tall, lanky, and energetic. If you've ever met the type of guy that just never seems to stop talking that pretty much describes Jonathan in a nutshell.

I was a bit quieter. I kind of kept to myself but at the same time I was quite confident. I guess you could say I was sort of like the leader in my circle of friends but at the same time I wasn't very outspoken.

Dorothy was a young Korean girl that Jonathan had been talking about since as long as I could remember.

She was short with pale skin and long black hair. To be perfectly honest she seemed to be in a bad mood most of the time so I wasn't quite sure what Jonathan saw in her.

I'd only just met Meredith this very evening at Dorothy's neighbor's house. She seemed to be your typical all american girl. Brown hair, brown eyes...... she was pretty but nothing really stood out.

The four of us were supposed to be hanging out and watching Dorothy's neighbor's cats.

I'm not sure why we were supposed to be watching the cats. I think she had one of those elderly neighbors who was convinced that her cats needed attention all of the time. For the most part any cat I've ever met doesn't seem interested in attention but what are you going to do.

The thing that was exciting to us was the fact that she had one of those spa jacuzzis in her backyard.

It was the older style that was completely enclosed by wooden boards but you could lift the boards off and then you would have a nice large area that four people could easily fit in.

We were supposed to arrive at her neighbor's house at about 6:00 in the evening but instead we got there at about 11:00 at night.

We had gone out to a pizza joint and then ended up at some arcade for a while.

Once we got to her neighbor's house we immediately started trying to figure out how to work the jacuzzi.

I pulled the boards off and Jonathan started fiddling with various knobs here and there.

I really thought that there would be a lot of clear water in the jacuzzi but instead it seemed like it was full of leaves and dirt and other kinds of debris.

I mostly managed to scoop it out but I couldn't figure out how to make the water warm.

So at this point we have a dirty pool of water that is bubbling but not warm, and since it was a particularly cool Autumn evening no one really wanted to get in the jacuzzi.

Jonathan continued to insist that we try though. The reason is because he was really trying to hook up with this Dorothy girl.

I personally found Meredith to be kind of boring and I didn't have any particular interest in staying here at this lady's house any longer than I needed to.

I felt bad for Jonathan though because we never actually got in the jacuzzi.

Of course this all happened long ago and Jonathan never was able to get anywhere with Dorothy even though we went on more double dates with him and Dorothy than anyone else I've ever met.

Jonathan's got a pretty good life now. He's married and doing really well.

I had several more adventures with Dorothy. Some of them included Jonathan and some of them didn't.

Nowadays I have no idea what ever happened to her.

Of course I can wager a guess. She was a very smart girl and I know she was about to go to college so she's probably a business woman who is working very hard and has a nice family.

That doesn't sound very interesting but in the end life tends to go the same direction for one person as it tends to go for just about everybody.

Nevertheless, I had fun that evening we tried to get the spa jacuzzi to work even if it didn't happen the way we expected it to.


loving your story it seems you guys had your fun back then , no regrets
you should at-least reach out to Dorothy and Jonathan ,am sure you guys will still be great friends.

Those were the good old days.

Blog feel small if you have just one reader and your blog changes their life your blog is big enough...

stay blessed and keep posting..

an interesting story to read. Great storyline

Nice memory and moments

blogging is not rocket science its about being yourself and putting what you have into it...
stay blessed:)

I always love your story, Your creativity always impressed me. I feel himself part of this story and that place during reading your story.

Some of them included Jonathan and some not..
Sounds kind of spicy or is it my idea?😊

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