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RE: The Hawker [5MinuteFreeWrite]

in #freewrite7 years ago

Make one of your own, sis! I'm sure you're going to think of something amazing :D When the ideas flow in those 5 minutes, it's pure magic. Could be stressful, but I'm sure you'll manage haha! Definitely check out @improv! Such a great commenter as well, I'm sure you two will hit it off :)


I did check her out, and I'm glad you just told me she was a she, haha :)

Hmm? Did the male-female post have anything to do with this? I didn't say "she" anywhere :P

Haha, I don't know how I read your comment about him as her! Ironic! But luckily he's got all kinds of pictures :)

I think it's because of you men-women ratio post. I'm 99.99% sure of it! :D

That does make sense, LOL, of course my gender questionning would have my head on backwards!

Maybe you can ask the more experienced analytics guys if they could take a look. It's an interesting metric, too.

Nevermind, you didn't say she, I have no idea why I thought you did LOL, thank goodness for the beard post hahaha!

HAHAHA!! It's alright :D A completely honest mistake. Heck, I kept referring to you as bro before, remember that?

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