
From Merriam-Webster's online dictionary:


gladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter—His clumsy attempt at dancing caused much mirth.

Sorry it wasn't long enough. That's the problem with five minute freewrites. It's often over before it's really getting started.

I may have to give it up if I can't keep you happy and entertained, though. :)

  • The point of a freewrite is to come up with something in five minutes that involves the prompt of the day, which in this case was coffee. Write as fast as (in my case) fat stubby fingers can fly. Stop at five minutes, on penalty of death or exile, which ever hurts more.

Okay, I made that last part up.

haha! that's too funny. penalty of death or exile. exile from steemit would solve some of your problems. it was very entertaining and I'm very happy so you're safe. mirth equals gaiety.

Exile from Steemit might solve some problems, but create others, especially if I don't get to power down before my exile. I'm glad to hear, though, that all is well and right. I don't need to be underwhelming the few fans I have. :)

hhaaha! underwhelming your few're such a mirthy guy! is that a word?
people tell me that when you hit rep60 that you grow no matter what because people seek out and glom onto anyone who is at 60 or above so you couldn't NOT grow even if you wanted to slow it down, what say you about that sir?

I don't know. Haven't reached 60 yet. However, if the rep can be bought, my thought would be people would be more inclined to go after someone with higher SP, like upper minnows and dolphins, since the bulk of those still post, comment and curate.

That's just me. Most of the people I follow are in the 50-70 range, and most of them are redfish/minnows with a couple of dolphins.

50-70 range huh? kinda snobbish aren't you?

hey so what is the new rule that Asher put in place about only so many characters in a comment count? because most of mine are real short. I tried to read that post and it was too many figures for me. too detailed. I tried to read that post and it was too many figures for me. too detailed.

Yeah. Mr. Snob. That's me. :)

Except for some changes I've made within the last two or three months, most of those weren't in the 50-70 range when I started. Including you. :)

I guess that's what happens to reputation rank. They go up if you're doing much of anything at all.

I hope you typed those similar sentences twice. No copying and pasting. :)

re: new rule

As far as I know, the rule only affects the new metric he's adding, which I believe will be unique users we talk to. Not sure if he's going to include all comments, or do something like second level replies, but wherever he starts it at, that's where the 50 character count rule is supposed to kick in. It's supposed to keep us honest and not just saying, "Thank you?" or "Very nice post."

From what I can tell, 50 characters is about nine words. Which means that preceding sentence was longer than 50 characters. And so was that last one, too. That one I just did is probably too short. That one might be just right, since I finally got one with just nine words in it. :)

So, anyway, it's not suppose to do anything to total comments or total second level replies, to my knowledge.

whew! good I thought it was going to be something which only favored long windbag types. thanks for doing the research work for me that i was too lazy to do! I wouldn't even have known about his post if it weren't for the kind and gracious and so helpful not to mention generous and also big-hearted headchange.

I suppose you wrote some dog eared story for us today?

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