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RE: Word of the day “Vinyl” - Five Minute Free Write

in #freewrite6 years ago

The vinyl is just etching in the material itself. CD's are also laser etched pits of 1's and 0's. Magnetic energy doesn't scramble a disc, even a CD-R or DVD-R. It is not magnetic media. Go and run magnets all over it, it won't hurt it.

The degradation of the material is the real issue. Magnetic media degrades in as little as 10 years. It could be completely unreadable. People with old VHS tapes, or cassettes think they sound so much worse, but then blame it on the vintage and say that is how it looked then. Not really. The degradation is a loss of quality. With digital data, this could mean the loss of being able to read something altogether.

Good CD's that are burnt and gold coated are said to be good for as much as 20 years and would survive an EMP.

I've gone way off the main topic of what also sounds better. I can appreciate why some people say that the dynamic range is so much better. It is. It is not capped. The issue is that most of our ears really aren't tuned to pick that up or fully appreciate it or the loss of it.

Sometimes even the mix that is used on a CD release or then ripped from a CD into an MP3 is the actual difference in sound. There is a reason that they came out with a lot of CD's that have been re-mastered. It is because the first iteration back in the 80's was lousy. They have better technology today and even back in the 90's to take something that was recorded with vinyl intentions and take that master and bring to the CD. Instead, many of them used vinyl as their source. Any time you make a copy of a copy, there is degradation. You have to go back to the source to get the best copy.

Vinyl is cool and a novelty again, but for as many gadgets that I buy, I don't want to go back to it. The media is easily damaged and it is more difficult to play a single song. I know this changes the paradigm of listening to an album "straight through". I still do that, but by using Spotify or some other music service. And for those groups or singers with only a single songs or two that I know or like, I like to just make them part of a playlist. Changing to another record is just not convenient for me anymore. The purists will still make time for it, but I like the idea of having a jukebox style world, with the option of having the ability to listen to my old albums in their entirety without every touching a turntable or flipping a side.


Ahhh yea very good points, I know the CD and DVD would not be scrambled but would not the electronics within the player be destroyed? Though they are rare in a end of the world scenario we could still play records on some of the very first crank style record players which do not have anything more then a needle to read with and essentially a megaphone to produce audio.

I would want to go back to it either as there are many complications, as you stated. Clunky, easily damaged, hard to seek a specific tune, large use of storage....

Overall I’m pretty happy with my Apple Music subscription, has nearly everything I wish to listen to and then a whole lot I have yet to discover.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The component parts of the electronics wouldn't necessarily be destroyed, but there is a lot of firmware and things that run on emulation chips that perform the functions of what was once discrete electronics that would essentially be erased. From that perspective, you would be right. Even good old vinyl can be played on a hand cranked gramophone with a big horn for a speaker. Vinyl wins. I concede. :)

Woot woot that’s my first blockchain debate win 😎 only because of a technicality 😉

Likelihood of an entire planet blackout is pretty slim from my understanding. Even with a massive hit from the sun it’s speculated that most electronics will survive on the side furthest from initial impact. An EMP caused from a nuclear blast in the upper atmosphere could knock out most of an area the size of USA but still an entire planetary blackout is extremely slim.

Great discussion, I had basically no idea what remastering was till now.

Posted using Partiko iOS