
It's usually even a bit lower than that ;)
Want to know the best part? Because I'm a student I can get a daily free pizza. ;P Full-size pizza. :P If you want I'll take a picture of it for you when I go next time haha ;P
I eat free burgers on a daily basis. ;P


Because we're the best country evah! ;P
It's because my country supports students up until we graduate in an attempt to educate the masses... Sad thing is, most educated people then leave and work abroad :<... And since I'm leaving for England in June... There's no promising I'm coming back :3

I love that it supports students by giving them free burgers.

Now you made me hungry for a burger.
Fortunately, I'm having another one tomorrow ;D Maybe 2. Who knows? ;P

Oof. All I have is pancakes.

I'm not picky. Not at all. I'll take the pancakes. All the pancakes.

Trade you a pancake for a burger.

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