Pepper coffee cowboy lady garden -5minutefreewrite (x3)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

First: GEEZ ! It's really raining in L.A.! Hooray! On to the story...
Charlotte ate green peppers all day long. She looooved the green ones. Every morning, as soon as she woke up, she went out to her garden, and harvested green bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, and unripe habanero peppers.
The crispness was what pleased her most, but she got hiccups if she ate them too fast. She'd spend all day savoring the handful she picked in the morning.

Throughout winter, she dreamed of long stretches of cabbage. When spring finally melted the snow, she planted cabbage. The first row was crooked, and she hated it, but she left it as a reminder that all did not always go according to plan. Every row thereafter was perfectly straight.

She ate a pepper, and it burned her tongue like fire. She looked a second time at the pepper. In it were a dozen baby scorpions. Her tongue was numb.

Inside her home, she tumbled through her medicine case. Finally she found the soothing ointment her aunt had recommended to her. She drank it.

Then she called poison control. Then she passed out.

When she came to, she was in her bed again. She wore a two gallon hat, and sneakers. There was a window through which desert spiders crawled.

"If you don't take chances," said the man in striped pajamas, "you might as well not be alive."

He sat against her bedroom doorframe.
The world is topsy turvy Charlotte thought Scorpions in Minnesota, jalapenos in March, desert spiders, an open window, and a man in striped pajamas

"You haven't got much time, Charlotte," he muttered.

He extended his arm. It was long and covered in beaded bracelets. It reached all the way from where he sat against her bedroom doorframe to her shoulder. He patted her gently, then brushed her hair out of her mouth. She hadn't realized she was munching on her hair. "Your hair will be scorpions again, soon."

She floated, as if in a dream, through her window, to the garden where her cabbages grew in straight rows.

A cafe floated by. It had a cowboy hat on it. She stopped in for a coffee, but it was too late. She got a hot chocolate instead. Her mouth began to fill with hot chocolate, pouring out of her every taste bud. She was making coffee, and the coffee was startled. She was the coffee . She was hot and black.

The time he invited his mother to dinner, she noticed he was coffee, too. Everybody had become coffee, and they flowed in rivers of steaming caffeinated caffeine. The ground was ground coffee, the people were mugs. All the prisoners had their mugshots, and there was no cream, no sugar, only cowboy coffee. The pots and pans were full. The heat from the coffee machines kept them all comfortable. War had ended. Strife was forgotten. Everything was forgotten, for coffee has no memory. Coffee lives in the now. Moving forward. Always everywhere coffeee coffeee coffeeee

There should have been a sign or something that cabbage rolls and coffee were coming. But there wasn't. They rolled into town on a wave of sour cream. Onion dip and chips came after, soon food was ever-present, and so life evolved again. Eventually there was a woman named Charlotte, and in her web of lies she found a truth that was a green pepper. The pepper was hot. The pepper was bitter. It made her teeth hot. She itched and soothed her itches with capsaicin. A man in striped pajamas fed her candy canes while she roared to the heavens of things best left forgotten. Of worlds of black, hot, flowing coffee and no strife, no war, for coffee lives in the now, always present, moving forward, no cream, no sugar only love and love

And finally, we'll close with some footage of me on horseback.


Yahoo!! I love it! No constraints of normality - I want it!! Well done :-)

We all have an itch to scratch! Let us be weird!

Hmm, peppers just don’t have that effect on me. It was only after taking some very magic mushrooms that I began seeing men in striped pyjamas.and floating cafes. It’s your deirdiest weirdiest free write encourager here with the latest prompt:

Hic. Cup.

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