Main Street -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite5 years ago

Chandra walked down main street. This was a small town, of the ilk that she had never encountered in her travels through the multiverse. Dense cities and vast empty expanses were familiar to her, but never… small towns.

She peered into a large glass window. Inside appeared to be art supplies. How such a small population could support such a luxurious business, she had no idea. But here it was. And yet not a single smithy in this town, and the closest she could find to a chandlery was the cafe that also sold hard tack, but called them pastries and added sweeteners to them.

Chandra was baffled. She was almost so baffled that she felt angry, but she calmed herself by remembering the flames of the farmhouse she’d set afire when the resident farmer had scoffed at her. At least, she hoped he’d scoffed at her, else she should feel ashamed. Surely that gesture had been meant rudely. Customs here were so unintuitive. She began to worry that she’d undone a man’s livelihood who’d injured her in no way.

She turned around.
Photo credit me
This sumptuous feast awaits Chandra in chapter 2.


Looking forward to chapter two! Chandra seems quite out of place and out of sorts at the moment.

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