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RE: Profit -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

I am vilifying billion dollar corporations. I'm not sure if you're defending a particular employer or capitalism in general. I don't mean the small business owners who barely make enough to consider their profits a living wage. If you mean, for example, my mom when she owned a bookstore, she paid herself a wage for managing that was not much more than she paid her employees.

But when Amazon makes billions and subjects its workers to unsafe conditions and poverty wages... suggesting they can all just quit if they don't like it is naive at best.

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I believe I covered the likes of Amazon when I said that in some cases there are fat cat bosses creaming off huge profits,

I couldn't tell what you meant, since the vast majority of wealth is controlled by these fat cats, but you seemed to think they were a blip compared to taxes.

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I was going to write a long reply about how the employer cannot thieve from the worker what the worker gives voluntarily, by agreement, as opposed to the state who demand taxes under pain of punishment, but I won't. I'll wish you a peaceful Christmas and say, long live differing viewpoints and our ability to argue them respectfully.

I would like to write a long reply about how a worker doesn't have to pay taxes in the same circumstances under which they don't have to work, (winky smile) but instead I will say I'm glad that steemit is full of people who don't agree and yet we all manage to be civil and even friendly! Merry Christmas!

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