Important -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago


Sleep is important.

This was written in a cross stitch above Nightmare's stall. She loved sleep. Every night she dreamed of Dandelion Salads. Nightmare was fed only rotting carcasses. She wanted to be a regular horse.

This day when the Sandman awoke her, he seemed groggy himself.
"There's a new litter of Hell Hounds, Nightmare, and their incessant howling kept me up."

When he opened her stall door, Nightmare bolted. She ran and ran until she was sure he wasn't right behind her, and then she trotted through a river to hide her tracks.

And then she saw it. An open field of dandelions. She stepped out into it. And... she... munched, but Ouch.

She swished her tail.

Something bit her.

And again.

And again.

She bucked. What WAS this?!?

Across the field, a palomino mare munched and swished her tail. But the way she swished it was so elegant and efficient...
"Those horseflies are eating you alive."

Nightmare bucked and reared more furiously.
"What are they?!? I don't want to die! Get them off!"

Palomino trotted over. "Ha, I didn't mean literally! You need a pal. Here, let me help." Palomino swished her tail and the buzzing came to an abrupt stop. Something small and black fell out of the sky.

"That was what was hurting me?"

"Yep. What, you've never encountered horseflies before?"

"...I'm not really a horse."

"Well, you sure seem like one to me. Here, let me show you the best clover fields! You can call me Handsome."

Photo credit my mom



Nightmare’s dream becomes reality…..such a sweet little tale.
It’s you prompt delivery dream team here with today’s prompt:

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That was a wonderful freewrite!!!

@improv You have earned a random upvote from @botreporter because this post did not use any bidbots.

Goody goody! Indeed, I do not use bidbots.

Keep it up, quality work is the only thing that will keep the platform running in the long run!

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