Great grandpa's nose -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago


My grandpa had a nose. This is a fact that must be understood before the reader continues. He might be said to have lost his sense of smell, or perhaps he never had one, but he had a nose. His father, my great grandfather, had 4 fingers on his left hand. As did his grandfather. My father was expected to repeat that trend, but did not. I also have all five fingers on both hands. What I lack is an ability to function as an adult. Because I am a baby. I have everything. Everything works as expected, but I cannot yet make change or sweep. Calculus, though I can do it, I cannot communicate it. And softballs are too big for me to grip and throw.

You might ask, what is the point of a baby? I ask myself the same question, but I seem to fulfill a necessary function in the household, though for the life of me, I can't put my finger on exactly what that is. Is it that I serve as an early warning system for tornadoes? This region doesn't get tornadoes, so maybe. Does my mere presence repel vampires? We haven't suffered a vampire attack yet, so maybe. Or Maybe I'm just the softest thing in the house... In which case, why do they have my brother, the dog? No, that can't be it.KIMG0316.jpg


So sweet!! Yes, babies are warning systems that you still can love something beyond what you ever thought possible :)

I LOVED this so much! Great, unique writing style!!! Awesome job. You made me smile :)

Hahah fun and brilliant..he has no beard! how come? :-P

Oh! Good point!

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