Eyeroll -5minutefreewrite(x3)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

He considered all songs. Emily rolled her eyes and spit on the floor.
For https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/5ijdrt-the-weekend-freewrite-part-3-the-dramatic-twist


"Consider them WHAT?"

That's when the zombies attacked. Emily, because of her eyerolling, was spared... the zombies thought she was one of them. Jacob, however, in the midst of holding court about the big bad Beatles, was bitten, beaten and had his brain consumed.

Emily, frighten though she was, kept her composure and followed the lead of the zombies, moaning, rolling her eyes, eating his brains. She was surprised at how sweet they tasted. Then she remembered... she was a zombie, too. So she stopped and spoke up.

"I think that's it, everybody. I think he was the last human. We can stop with the eye rolling and groaning and spitting now. Everybody is a zombie."

The other zombies turned to her. They ate her brains.

He turned the corner and it felt as if his heart fell to the floor. It had. It had fallen out of his chest cavity and onto the floor. He bent over to pick it up. Now that all the humans had had their brains eaten, the masses of zombies had turned to eating the brains of the smartest zombies
He hurried down the corridor to the conference room for the council meeting. The smartest zombies were all trying to figure out if there was a solution besides death and genocide. Killing all the zombies didn't seem nice. It made sense when they were humans, but now it seemed like there was a much narrower distinction between the zombies that were trying to eat their brains and the zombies that they were. And, if there were two shades of grey, there were probably dozens of others.

He had an idea, though. It involved space. He wasn't sure how zombies would behave in the vacuum of space, though. Cold also wasn't great for them... nor extreme heat, probably... Anyways... but some of the problems with having been human were at least solved. Including... well, anyways. He had the big idea. Hopefully, if they liked it, they'd figure out the little details for him and he'd still get all the credit.

The cage in the middle housed a viable candidate. This zombie both wanted to eat the brains of the zombies on the outside of his cage, and had a brain that was desirable to the zombies on the inside of the cages to either side of his cage. So, presumably he was smart enough to reason.

"We think we can save us all, but we've gotta test it."

"Not on me, you don't. I ain't no test bunny. Why not take one of them?"

"Because they can't give consent. Listen, you'll be saving humanity or zombie manity zombity? You know what, you'll be a hero!"

"Or I'll be dead."

"You'd have been dead already if it weren't for us."

"What do you mean? I'M a brain eater!"

"Sure, but haven't you noticed? The zombies with the least brains all want whichever zombie nearby has the most brains, and you have more brains than some!"


"You're welcome! Glad you've accepted the opportunity to be a hero!"

"Wait, no, I..."
But they were already gone.


This was really gross. So why did I upvote it? Because you did a great job with gross!! LOL

Zombieeeeeee Attack!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 Omggg .. run for your life 😅😅

This was morbidly delightful! I always wondered what the zombies would do if they ran out of human brains. I always thought they'd starve to death, but I was wrong! Great use of the prompts and the selfie is great.

How's possible that there's noone telling you that your face is a perfect match for the zombie theme? I'll do it then! Look how cute the little boss when he frowns :-D

@f3nix My face is why I told this story.

Lol @improv. I think I won the mr. obvious award 😅 In my defense..when you blog at 2 am your sense of humor can be a bit off..

@f3nix No defense needed!

Just dropping by to let you know that your post was featured in the @freewritehouse Weekly curation post today!


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