Desperate -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite5 years ago


Desperate. Now that's something interesting.

What is it to be desperate? What is it to be desperately tired. I know I have the reputation of always being tired, and brother, it is earned. I felt pretty good at 6am, when I woke up, but by now, my enthusiasm for the day has waned, and I need a nap. I ... it's calling for me. The bed is so nearby. I'm comfy....

I need to do my work and then take over kid duty so @stinawog can do her work, and tonight we have a birthday party to go to, and we need to be alert for all these things!

But... there's a bed. Stina won't know. Surely not. Maybe if she hopped on Steem she'd know, but if she doesn't, well, that's only fair because she should hop on Steem more often. You know? She... she... I'm drifting off. It's not comfortable in this chair... it would be in the bed. I wonder if the keyboard reaches to the bed. That wouldn't be cheating. And if my eyes just closed... NO. no.. But my blurry vision. My drooping eyelids. I should have had more coffeeeeeeee

OH goodness. It's a dream. Did I tell you my dream from the other night? That I was performing at a mall. And the way I'd come in, as I was trying to leave, was blocked by a vendor closing up. Not a mall. An outdoor market like Pike Place, but not Pike Place. Anyways, the most striking image was when I noticed that my family was all there. My mom was represented by her head twice. She was two heads. One head was just slightly older than the other.

It took me a moment in the dream to be okay with this, but ultimately I was. She was still my mom, just... in the form of two disembodied heads on the dinner table.



Oh my! It appears the exhaustion was winning. That was me on Saturday. Today I slept under 5 hours but was quite alert... the tradgety of a frittered away Saturday gone until next weekend where I hope to be more vibrant for a weekend sans work. Thanks for the entertainment.

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My pleasure!

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