Confirm -5minutefreewrite (also @freewritehouse fundraiser reminder!)

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)


"I'm calling to confirm my appointment. It's for tomorrow, but I want to make sure you know I have every intention of being there, so if I'm not there, you should probably call the authorities, because I wouldn't miss this unless I was delayed by some tragedy."

"Um, we aren't-"

"I'm being hyperbolic, of course, but I just want you to know how excited I am."

"You don't need to confirm-"

"Of course, if you think a dozen roses is too many roses, I can get gardenias instead. I really have never been to a cult meeting before and I'm not sure how to make a good first impression."

"We are not a cult-"

"Oh, riiight. Wink wink nudge nudge and all that. I suppose the FBI is probably listening. Hey FBI, leave them alone! I want to join a cult, that shouldn't be illegal! Let us be what we are!"

"No, really-"

"Yeah, I get it. Mum's the world. I mean word. Whoops. That was a Freudian slip if ever I heard one. I'm just so excited to meet Mum. She really is the world to me. I mean, I ca just imagine it right now. She'll hold me firm against her ample bosom, and rock me gently. I can slip away into slumber finally. Give up my worries and worldly possessions to her, and she can do the worrying for me. I'm ready to be a kid again."


"See you tomorrow! Byeee!"

Hey, have you heard about the @freewritehouse fundraiser?

Maybe you're a regular, maybe you stop by occasionally, or maybe this is the first you're hearing of @freewritehouse. Whichever it is, you should know that you're welcome in our community... which is not a cult. But which does provide that sense of safety to everyone by being there every day with a new prompt and by having an active group of people who read the posts written for the prompts and engage goofily and lovingly with the writers.
Of course, we have things to brag about, like just how many of the people who have participated have gone from being wary of writing to published authors in the course of just a year. And how many of us have found a modicum of financial success by blogging regularly on this very site (modicum being very modest, but still larger than nothing!)
Regardless, it's thanks to the tireless efforts of the people behind the @freewritehouse account. If you like what we do, consider supporting our work so that we can do even more to support the work of freewriters! Right now, if you send any amount of Steem (whole increments only) to @steembasicincome with @freewritehouse in the memo line, a few things will happen. First and most obviously, you and @freewritehouse will both get a level of SBI per steem you send (just like always), but on top of that, @josephsavage will add another SBI for freewritehouse for every 20 you send! And @freewritehouse itself will add yet another SBI! And FURTHERMORE I will delegate a steem to @freewritehouse for each SBI, so that @freewritehouse can IMMEDIATELY begin to support freewriters more. SBI builds long-term sustainability! Thank you for helping us grow!


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This your freewrite reminds me of a movie I watched long ago.

Well, am here to deliver the weekend freewrite prompt to you.

Take just one, write with us
Easy freewrite, no pun, write, don't pause.
Thinking of trying the trinity of it
Come on in, take it one by one, bit by bit.
Do have a lovely weekend.

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