We-Write with @happycrazycon for @freewritehouse

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Below is story from @happycrazycon using the prompt: Eagle scout, and I will continue from where she stopped. Here it goes. I titled it "The Soup that Saves".

Freewrite by @happycrazycon

Russel was working hard to the rest of his teammates. This was going to be his last requirement before he completed all of his merit badges to be a true Eagle Scout. He just had to to do it, since his 18th birthday was already around the corner.

"Why would they include cooking in the Eagle Scout achievements?" he murmured. Russel hated cooking his whole life but he could not escape from it. Having been in the scout for years, he knew he wanted to complete all the different requirements as almost all men in his family were Eagle Scouts. It was almost like a tradition for them. But when we leant that this current achievement is on cooking and moreover cooking in the wild, he almost gave up.

Nevertheless, Russel went into the forest to chop some woods to make a fire, almost effortlessly. This he has learnt in his module on surviving in the wild. Then, he fetched water from a nearby stream and put the water to boil on the fire. Now, he had to collect some wild food that he could cook and consume.

As he was wondering into the woods, he came across someone singing and cooking at the same time. He could smell the wonderful aroma of some relish soup. As he hid behind the trees, he could not believe his eyes what he saw - a goblin!!! Russel rubbed his eyes several times to make sure he saw the right thing, because he thought all those were folktales.

The goblin was tasting his soup. "Ahhhhh, this is just right!" he exclaimed happily.

Russel watched him as he moved nearer until he stepped on a branch.

"Who's that?" the goblin turned around, suddenly got on his guard.

Russel knew he had to come out. "Don't be afraid, my name is Russel. What are you?"

The goblin held his ladle and a branch towards Russel, ready to strike if Russel went closer. He was very defensive.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you. I heard your singing and smelled your soup. It smells so tasty. I wish I can cook as well as you, " Russel explained himself, hoping to help the goblin feel more at ease.

"Oh this is no ordinary soup. It's called the chef's soup, " replied the goblin timidly.

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I continue the story as follow:

"If you don't mind, may you teach me? I am suppose to come out with some sort of food. You know, cook up something. Then I can get my badge. My Eagle Scout badge. Nah..you wouldn't understand.. Just, please teach the chef's soup, will ya?" Russell added on, almost pleading him. Or it.

"But.. But.. I am not sure whether will human like it, you haven't even tried," the goblin continued, more bold now, knowing Russell did not come to harm.

"Please, I am running out of time. Just teach me that recipe or give me all the ingredients. I promise to reward you anything you like, if I get to be Eagle Scout. I promise." Russell was extremely desperate.

"Oki. Actually I have all the ingredients in this bag. You just put everything in a pot and boil and stir at the same time while whistling, it will become the chef's soup. You can have it." The Goblin handed the bag over to Russell.

"Thank you, It! I will return to you after my badge. Stay here." Russell spoke as he ran to his camping site. Without him knowing, the goblin actually was following behind.

When he reached his pot of boiling water, he threw all the ingredients inside and started stirring while whistling. True enough, the smell of the soup came out, exactly as the goblin's. Mouth-watering and delectable, almost heavenly too.

Everyone began to follow the trail of the smell and one by one, approaching the pot of soup. When it was done, all could not wait but to savour the soup, while Russell stood there, overwhelmed and astonished at the same time, witnessing his teammates enjoying the soup to the max. He was surprised it turned out better than he expected. Ah, I am Eagle Scout.

Soon, one by one started to groan, as in immense pain. Then all of a sudden, they squeaked and shrieked. One by one, transforming into goblin.

Russell was dumbfounded, he freezed, not knowing what to do. At that time, IT came out from the tree, "What happened?" equally as panic and fearful as Russell.

"Hahaha hohoho Muahaha! GOTCHA!" A loud voice from the sky.

"YOU ARE SENT TO EARTH TO FULFILL THIS MISSION AND IT WAS DONE. MUAHAHA HA! You are too good and soft hearted for my kingdom, but you are useful to help me capture human. Muahaha ha." It was the Goblin of all Goblins. MASTER GOBLIN - the wicked one.

"All of them have consumed the recipe that turn them to goblin. Now I have more citizens now. Take them all! Hahahaha! No one can outbeat my chef's soup except the soup from @mariannewest using her plants. But she is busy at freewriting and the freewritehouse, she will not have time to figure out the recipe to save you all. Muahaha ha!"

"What should we do now?" Russell asked, looking at the goblin the IT.

"Who is Mariannewest?" IT asked in return. "Go find her now."



If you do not know what freewrite is, it is a plan by @mariannewest and @improv to just free flow write out our thoughts, where there is no fear of whether what we write is good or not. Just relax and have fun and write in that 5-minutes-time. Here is the introductory post. Come on, you can start joining and have fun too! ☺ And now we have @freewritehouse, yay! Have a visit and you will not regret it!


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Hahahhahahahah I almost laughed my heads off!!! How did you get so creative? That's seriously an unexpected twist, @iamjadeline. A soup that turns humans into goblins? WOW!!

This is CALLED "I am sleepy and I just want to quickly finish off the story to join we-write and quickly finish my encouraging task." lol

LOL! You and your sleepy brain @iamjadeline!!

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That twist on the last part tho! It's hilarious! hahaha

Thank you so much. :)

LOL I almost spit out my char kuey teow reading this! This is SO FUNNY!!! Another good piece, ladies!!

Thank you. Yes I was really sleep. It sad like 2am in the morning. Lol

HA! I knew there was a twist. There is always a twist with goblins. Never trust a goblin. I learned that from The Labyrinth lol :p

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