The garden of names #2 (freewrite)

in #freewrite6 years ago

You can read the first part of this story here:

The garden of names

'Good morning sunshine,' the boy said, although he didn't know why. It's something his mother used to say, and then she'd call him by name, if he refused to wake up, which was most days, really. He'd always liked to sleep, always liked living in his dreams more than in real life. He'd enjoyed the places and the scenery, and the terrible unexpectedness that dreams seemed to have. There were strange voices that came to him in his dreams and never called him by name. The boy liked that, because it meant the voices knew exactly who he was, too.
But now, he seemed to be caught in an everlasting dream where nobody knew who he was and for the first time, he did not like it one bit.
The girl looked up, meeting his eyes and showing her own, like wayward stars on their way out of existence.
'Who are you?' the girl asked and the boy decided, there on the spot, that she had the most beautiful voice he'd ever heard. Of course, it'd been a mighty long time since he'd heard any voice at all, so maybe it was all in his head, but that couldn't be it. The girl's voice was crystalline and glassy, like a jam jar made of ice. It was the strangest thing, really.
'I...I live here,' he said, eventually.
'Are you going to hurt me?' she asked, fear clouding her eyes. But that was alright, 'cause he was afraid, too.
'What? No, of course not, why would I do that?'
The girl shrugged and the boy thought he knew that feeling precisely. The feeling of not having a clue what was going on in this strange new world.
'Can you tell me your name?' he asked hesitantly. He hated himself for it, just a little bit, because the memory was still fresh in his mind – the burning, the raw pain he'd felt when he hadn't been able to speak his own name.
He watched as the girl struggled and opened her mouth and then closed it again. Snapped it shut, rather, so that the boy heard every single bone in her mouth rattle. And then she shook her head.
And now, although they were nameless, they were two.
The boy took the girl with him everywhere, because he did not wish to leave her alone. He remembered how lonely he'd felt before her and he wouldn't have wanted anyone to feel like that. No one deserved that, the boy thought. Besides...well, he remembered how lonely he'd been.
So, they walked everywhere together and soon, the girl had also learned all the alleys – which ones were noisy, which silent as the night, which had what flowers, what road lead where. And it didn't matter that they had no name, because they always spoke with 'you' and that one 'you' comprised more about themselves than any name could.
He showed everything he'd learned to love in the quiet days and once, when they were by the waters, the boy thought he even saw the ducks again, but by the time he caught her attention, they'd gone away.
But they'd left something better in their place. They had left, not in the water, but in the little boy's mind, an idea.
And ideas have a way of nit-picking at your brain and of growing. They grow until you can't ignore them anymore. And after a long while of thinking and watching the waters, the boy turned to his companion – that still seemed new in his heart – and told her about his idea.
And his idea was to swim away, to find the place where the ducks went when they were left the garden of names.

Today's prompt was 'good morning sunshine' :) Check out @mariannewest, if you'd like to give freewriting a try!


Thank you for reading,


Photos my own.


This was great. I love how you are developing the story and the characters. I’m ready to turn the page and read the next chapter in their adventure.

Thank you! I can't wait to continue this story :)

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