Show of the teeth (freewrite)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

He allows the world to slip from his hands and for his precious little Angela to crumble and become dust. This is now the way of the world, for the grand creator has so decided.
Of course, he could've decided differently, but he did not. He must have a reason for this, theefore the man will not question it. He does not raise questions, he just complies to the will of his betters.
He hopes that one day, and hopefully one day soon, he will see his precious Angela...somewhere. Maybe in the park, playing with another pair of parents, or perhaps giving dancing lessons at the school where – where his other daughter goes. Where Angela used to go, before she became dust.
Or perhaps he shall see her tall and strong, a grown woman all of a sudden. Maybe she will even have children, his grandkids in another life.
He hopes, although he knows it doesn't do much good.
He shuts away his mind and refuses to look at the closed casket, because he fears he'll raise suspicion, mayhaps even anger. With his hope. And his looking. His bold hope is something that must be bashed in the head and the man understands his crime.
Yet, he clutches the hand of his living baby, who is too young to know that she can break the rules, does not shed a single tear. It was what was wanted that her sister should die. And scooping her up as he goes, he runs out of the room full of people, all eyes cast in the ground. Because they all know that if they look at this cursed man, they might incur his bad luck upon themselves.
So, unobserved by the crowd and holding on tight to hiss little girl, he runs and runs and doesn't stop until he's well into the woods, safe in the arms of the jungle.

He knows.
He knows they may come for him. Not so much for himself, he knows he is of little use, but for the little girl. She has many years to serve them good. So, they'll come, showing their teeth, to steal his living baby.
And he'll be ready for them.

Freewrite from the word 'tiger', suggested by the ever-wonderful @mariannewest. Check her out for more fun. Thank you for reading.


And so will I.


Graphic images in the mind of a grieving father. It seems like he's going crazy at the end.. Well written!

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