Chop Suey!

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Untitled Artist.jpg

Untitled Artist
Self Portrait

Some Writing That Doesn't Have To Do Anything With The Photo

So basically this is a freewrite, I guess :P

I have been struggling to gain weight like, forever. I have tried eating more, but, I don't like eating. I just eat when I need to. I prefer drinking. (Not drinking beer though, I mean coffee, hot chocolate, milk tea, etc) It's just that I can't push myself to eat more healthy food...and to exercise.. and to do anything healthy. I've always been on self-destruction mode lol.

So after I got my painting degree, (Yeah, you can call me the tortured artist) I promised myself to take a break for a while and just focus on myself on how to be better, before going out and taking pressures from the real-life art scene.

After months of just laying down in bed and isolating myself from people, I am now slowly going out and being on an Unexpected Journey. Now let's go back to my body issue.

Since I hate broken promises, here I am doing all my best to be healthy. That means signing my ass up to a gym membership, sleeping on a normal time, and trying to eat nutritious food. (Yuck)

I really hate veggies. It tastes like grass to me (Please get the joke). But guess what I did today? I ate CHOP SUEY! Please clap your hands for me because I really hate eating leafy foods but boom! I did it yay. And oh, I almost forgot to mention I am eating more than my normal eating amount. So I am writing this while drinking soy milk and a peanut butter sandwich... for the sake of protein. :D

I also really really really hate bananas but I ate them because I need to lol.

And even though I feel like throwing up when I eat more, I will still do it and will try to wake up early and grab a brush and put a little makeup just for the sake of the ASS

So to end this, here's my favorite song that motivates me to eat Chop Suey hahaha.

Chop Suey!
System Of A Down


You might like banana smoothies. For me bananas are okay (don't mind them, don't love them), but smoothies are great. Even just bananas and water is okay, but a nice vanilla soy milk is better. And adding dates is great. (Blend the dates first because they take longer to melt away and dissolve.)

That was kind of a tangent :p but enjoy!

Will try that out, thanks! :D


I knew the System of a Down meme was going to pop up somewhere lol
I love you sis, keep fighting

Hahaha! It's always in my system :D
Love you too bro <3

This made me laugh out loud... good for you Chop Suey!! You know how they get kids to eat veggies? They hide them in a smoothie... just make a smoothie! You can hide all sorts of veggies in there 😉. I’m excited you are taking and #unexpectedjourney, so proud ❤️

I know you would laugh because you have kids to force to eat veggies 😂 That sounds interesting but I hope I won’t mess it up.. you know like blending pineapple and tomatoes and carrots and apples together doesn’t sound nice but I might do it because I suck even making a smoothie hahaha

My kids actually like vegetables 👀.. I’ve never had to force veggies lol. BUT I always sneak some into smoothies .. cause it just makes them better. Start simple.. some berries, pineapple maybe then some greens (spinach) throw some Greek yogurt in there for protein and then either a banana for sweetness or honey or even a splash of orange juice.. if you can’t stomach a banana. Greens are where it’s at anyways.. lots of nutritional value.. plus you can add a ton to a smoothie and never taste them 😉

Hello Untitled Artist, Miss Hidden Blade, you are lovely, and yeah, losing & gaining weight is tough for people in general. To some extent, each body is different. That means you may or may not be not too skinny or whatever the case may be. My mom always made me eat healthy my first 13 years of my life. After that, I kind of went away from that for some years. Now, I'm 33, wow, twenty years later, and I'm getting back into eating healthy. I eat from my garden which is delicious. What really matters is not how much you weigh but how you feel. The goal should always be focused on overall health. People call me Oatmeal.

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