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RE: Where Did My Mango? Combined Freewrite And Comedy Open Mic (Week No. 24)

in #freewrite6 years ago

Are you sure you didn't just come from reading my mango freewrite? Oh well you are smarter than me and made an open mic entry out of yours. Wish I would have thought of that idea.


Considering I just read it three minutes ago, no, but I can see why now you would say that! Great minds think a like.

It's been interesting where the mind goes (mindgo?) when you're coming up with an idea that you can than write in five minutes. I definitely need to improve my typing, because it's bad normally, but it seems to get worse on a timer. :)
I'd been meaning to do a comedy open mic post, too, and I figured, as long as I wasn't breaking another rule by doing it, that I might as well try for a twofer. It's always nice when content can be used for more than one purpose.

However, the problem becomes making something funny. It should just be funny, so there's some forcing going on, in my opinion. Anyway, I've just recently started doing the comedy open mic, too, but they're at the end of their 24 weeks they promised, so I'm not sure what's happening after this.

Yeah I knew I liked you for some reason.

Great minds think a like

I think the timer is there to add pressure, sure to make the fingers fumble.
Wish I would have thought of that twofer thing.
I bet the comedy will go on it seems to be a big success. I saw someone in their discord saying they just got another sponsorship from curie. They would be nuts to stop now, but then they are nuts.

Well, that's good. Things that get participation and drive engagement should continue.

Aside from some sexual innuendo stuff I don't need to read, it seems to be fairly humorous. Straight up comedy writing is the hardest for me, though. Plus, my humor doesn't always line up with others, so what I think is funny, most won't. It's an eye of the beholder thing.

For sure. I have already accused them of trying to corrupt all the participants. I guess humor is pretty subjective. You are pretty funny sometimes. That is probably why I started lurking about to start with.

Well, the humor generally comes out throughout the course of a conversation, rather than intentionally happening. Spontaneous over planned. And in the moment kind of thing. The way that works, though, it's basically only good for that moment. It won't have a shelf-life.

I suppose it's like anything. The more you set your mind off in that direction, the more likely you'll start seeing and thinking about things in that light.

re: corrupt

I know, we have to have our 'freedom of speech' or our 'uncensored' speech here. Funny how it's usually F-bombs and sex related, rather than saying things that people don't like or agree with. Those get flagged. :)

That is one of the few things I dislike here is the bully aspect. If you look at it closely those with the highest rep/sp really do control the platform.
I just avoid swimming in that side of the pond. Try to not interact much in those circles.
But in all reality it is not freedom of speech at all. It is he with the most $ to buy stake rules the ocean.

rather than saying things that people don't like or agree with. Those get flagged

yeah, and so the most common reply to that is, it's still on the blockchain, so it's not censorship. And generally, the posts are greyed out, so you know they're there, which actually tends to make me more curious what happened, so I end up reading them anyway. The problem becomes, though, doing anything with them, because you end up guilty by association.

This whole deal where you can post and it will only come up greyed out automatically because your Rep is negative is okay for the true spammers, but when it happens to people who got on the wrong side of a higher rep account, for whatever reasons, it's absolutely a misuse of the flag.

It is true. Might makes right on this platform. For something that's suppose to elevate us, it basically runs the same as the outside world. I try to avoid it too, but sometimes it comes looking for me. And really, there is some higher SP out there that you do want to associate with. It's just navigating through the mine-filled waters to get to them that can be a royal pain.

Agreed on all counts. A royal pain is right. It takes forever to wade through and lurk about. All that reading sure is an eye opener though. I arrived in the middle of some flag wars. Spent about six weeks just reading and not saying much. Was very blessed to have met a few good people just to have someone to type with.
The point is new people come in and get scared off immediately. Bet we lose some awesome folks that way.
Not much I can do about any of that stuff. May as well just grow my account best I can and avoid troubles.

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