Free write. Burning.

Every cell blazed from nucleus
Tears each membrane apart
They request that it be rated
A one to zero chart
But if your baseline normal gives
Six or seven head start
Declare and you then might as well
Draw a dot for their dart
It only garners prejudice
Not helpful to impart
Even those close lose tolerance
You're now far from fine art
That moment the burn sears right through
That's when it burns the heart
If not prepared to hear the truth
To ask it isn't smart
As silent flames engulfs the room
You see their heart's depart
It's now you comprehend the scale
Surpass ten on said chart.



This is about... Leukemia? I'm afraid I don't know much.

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You know much to be able to interpret illness from my ambiguous word jumble. And thank you for your relevant response, it is nice to hear from you and an honour to get feedback from the improv man.
It is about what ever it sounds like to you. It started off for me as about intractable pain experience and the psychosocial consequences and impressions of someone with a chronic protracted pain or disability.
I should add, your improvisation dance moves, burning up the dance floor, brought me great joy yesterday. Really cool interpretive free dance / write moves.
I also wish to add, my zero participation in punning projects does not represent the time I invested attempting. Clearly simply being a loud impulsive smart ass is not enough to be punny. I thought it may lend itself to the art, but it proved harder than I thought. Maybe I'll give it another go some time.
Thanks for stopping by.

I hope you will! We welcome all punsters, and there's no such thing as failing! Sometimes, if you just keep talking the pun will fall out.

That is my usual conversational strategy when attempting to be witty and engaging. Just keep talking. It is an approach with varied success rates. I think I am the unpredictable variable in the equation though, I don't always take good measure of the situation, and then the hint of discomfort seems to accelerate my efforts. At this point it can go either way, social success or embarrassing disgrace. Obviously the former is the aim but the latter makes for a good story at a later date.

Then you know exactly what "there's no such thing as failing" means! COME PUN! Tomorrow comes quickly!

Nice poem @girlbeforemirror

How are you? I think we long time no see at Steemit. I hope you have a good day and stay positive.


I did have a bit of a creative drought. Thanks for noticing, nice to hear from you. I'm OK. How are you?

I really like this, @girlbeforemirror. I'll admit though, it took a second glance.

I just reread your poem with the commentary you gave improv and here's what I'm picking up:

The person in pain is the only one who can feel it. They may or may not have some kind of outward manifestation of it. Regardless, there's a limit to people's patience, love and compassion, and it can be exceeded because the pain never goes away and it can only exhaust the sufferer, but those around them.

So, what happens when the chart they hand you not only goes up to 10, but you feel like you're starting out at 12?

Your poem is here.... but I am going to upvote a different post of yours. Much love to you!

I hope that you are okay. You haven't been on Steemit - I will upvote you as soon as I see a post.
Hugs and much love!

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