
You talk to me like I know anything 🤪

I know that it is a wordpress site, that I use siteground for hosting and that I paid someone a lot of money to put it all together... That is all I know. CMS is a foreign language to me.

CMS stands for Content Management System. Wordpress is kinda a CMS. It's written in PHP though...which is ehh...

There are probably Wordpress plugins already to interface with Google Docs. Even if there aren't, you could always just manually update what the word count is in a post every week or so.

There is a database that Wordpress uses though, just like every CMS. That's what posts are stored in. addition to the ones on the blockchain. A database is like an excel worksheet. It stores everything on the website. A quick Google search did suggest that you can make a Wordpress plugin to let people store data in the database.

Oh, I don't think we will make people post what they write - some only want to put really polished stuff out into the world. And NaNoWriMo has already a system in place where you upload your stuff for a word count. The google doc is only for numbers.
And I thought you don't like google but you google searched :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this to me.

Oh, no, I meant a plugin for wordpress for users to be able to put their word count in.

Switching away from Google is a process. Sadly a lot of the other search engines still suck in different ways. I'm trying to slowly move away from it. But there is a potential issue that using a google account that's hooked up to other things may potentially dox you.

You mean that you sign into other applications through the google account? I never do that. Not facebook, not google. Everything gets its own account. The thing is, so much is working together. Like email, YouTube and, and, and.
It is the biggest search engine for blog exposure and such...

The fact that they're so huge is what's so worrying. Many people use them for email and search and YouTube. Imagine if they wanted to be a bad actor. They have access to so much of everyone's data. Even when they aren't trying to be bad, every once in a while there's some controversy because they use that data for advertising or something like that.

If you access their search through a VPN, it's not so bad...if you completely isolate it from any account... But it's a bit scary to think about all that data that they have on everyone.

True. But I feel that privacy is a thing of the past. Our phones are listening to us and know where we are going. Our computers are probably watching as well. And I know that there are ways to stay private and such, but most of them require a bit of tech knowledge to make things work. Like I don't know how to go through a VPN.
And the services.... I was trying to switch to duck duck go. but since being on Steemit and having conversations with people whose language I am not speaking, I almost daily am using google translate. You know what I mean. and frankly, for me it is almost scarier to be on Facebook/Instagram.
But I do get your point and we have and do give our info away so freely. And we know that evil deeds are being done all the time...

VPN's are relatively easy to use these days. You just sign into an app. But, if anyone is actually using the amount of surveillance we probably should be afraid they might have...we're fucked. But that at least requires a certain clearance level.

Facebook probably gives less shits...but I think most people don't give as much info to them willingly. They just hang around in the background and track you through websites. Then again, I barely ever write emails...

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