WE-Write! Partner Up! - 10 SBI in Prizes

in #freewrite5 years ago


WE-Write Partner Up!

@zeldacroft has been sick and needs to take a little break. No worries, she will be back. I know how much you love her! In the meantime, you have to put up with me as the We-Write leader 😄. Me is @mariannewest.

WE-Write is easy and fun. Find a partner (or several) and give it a try. Win PRIZES

10 SBI Sponsored by @Owasco and the Freewritehouse

Thank you so much!!!!!

100% Upvotes for All from the Freewrite House


What is a We-Write?

If this is your first time coming across this WE-Write post - let me explain.

A We-Write is a fun way to write a story with a partner. There are several ways to go about it we are explaining below.

We are using the daily prompt given by @mariannewest to get the story started. What happens after that is up to you!!

The goal is to write one story with two writers. Confused? No worries. See the explanation below.

To make it even more interesting, you are invited to do a WE-Speak if writing is not your thing.

Check out this wonderful example by @kaerpediem

Screen Shot 20190411 at 8.05.35 PM.png
click graphics

Now, you have even more options to have fun. Tip: If you don't have a partner right next to you, you can always use Zoom. The accounts are free and you have unlimited time if there are only 2 participants.


How Do We Play?

  • Find a partner
  • Write a story together
  • Both partners post the story - either their separate parts with a link to the other story or the partners writing as a quote in your post



10 SBI!!!

  • Everyone who participates will get a 100% upvote - either on the comment with the link or on their post. If we have votes to spare, we will upvote both.

  • 10 SBI shares from @owasco and @freewritehouse!

We will choose the winner by random drawing.

Our decision is final.

If you like to sponsor additional prizes - let us know. Either in the comments of this post or DM Marianne on discord. mariannewest#6102

SBI stands for Steem Basic Income and you can find lots of information on the @steembasicincome account. The short explanation is that SBI = and upvote for life.
1 share will give you a small upvote - the more shares you have, the bigger the upvote. You also can increase your shares by upvoting the @steembasicincome posts and/or by delegating to the account.



To get the stories started, please use today's prompt from the Daily 5-Minute Freewrite found @mariannewest's profile.

Prompt: only what we could carry

Deadline for Submission

7 days after publishing of this post.


History of the Game

We started this fun game way back when the Daily Freewrite Prompt celebrated day 100. We are now way past the one year mark and are still going strong.

At the time, we talked and @snook and @brisby did several test-writes to see which way works best. As it turned out - we liked them all.

How To in More Detail

Below, you find the explanation @brisby wrote for the original game. They are extensive and I encourage you to read them.

Find a Partner

  • Leave a comment under this post that you are looking for a partner.

  • Look in the comments under the Daily Prompt found @mariannewest and pick a person whose freewrite you like. Leave a comment under their post if they like to do the WE-write with you. Best to leave a link to this post as well.

  • Go to our discord and do a shout out if someone wants to play.

  • DM the person you want to write with.

  • Host a local meetup and everyone writes!!! Make sure to take pictures if you do.

The Writing Process

  • See Brisby's explanations about the different options below.

  • If you can't or do not want to create a shared document, you can make a post to Steem. Your partner can continue the story and also make a post either linking the partner's post or including it as a quote.

  • Or, you each can leave your writing in the comments of this post or a combination of the two.

Brisby's Explanations

@brisby wrote up and explanation - the "rules" of the game. As if Freewriters ever follow rules!!

@brisby wrote:

There are three ways to do this. They require correspondence through comments, Discord, Steemit Chat, email, or a shared document. Google doc is a free option. @snook wrote a terrific post explaining how to share a document if you have never made one. Here is her post. To work out any kinks, @snook and I beta tested the We-Write process and our story can be read here

Helpful tip: Plan how post payouts will be shared with your partner beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings.😁

Option 1

Pick a partner and open up a shared Google doc.
Decide who will begin writing.
Prepare a timer for each writer. Alternate writing for 1 minute each.
Use the word “Go” to let the other know that it was their turn.
Use the prompt provided.
Put the word/phrase at the top of the page.
The first freewriter sets a timer for 1 minute and begins writing.
When the minute is up, type the word “GO” to let the next writer know to begin.
Carry on, alternating turns, until 10 minutes have passed (each has written for 5 minutes).
Combine the sentences (cleaning up the formatting and removing the “Go’s” if you wish).
Place the “cleaned up” version of the story below the exercise.
Submit the link and then enjoy reading that day’s freewrites!

Option 2

Pick a partner and open up a shared Google doc.
Decide who will begin writing.
Set a timer for 10 minutes.
First freewriter writes one sentence.
Then, the other freewriter writes one sentence.
Switch back and forth until the 10 minutes are over.

Option 3

  • This option is especially good if you can't find a time which suits both writers
    Each freewriter writes a 5 minute freewite.
    Exchange the freewites (This can be done in comments, through Discord, Steemit Chat, or email)
    Write 5 more minutes on the partners freewrite and finish the story.
    You can both publish the freewrites and if you want, add a bit on how that kind of writing felt to you. Was it fun? Difficult? Want to do it again?


Any questions? Ask in the comments! If not, grab your partner and let's get this show on the road!!

Write On!!!



Make sure to Join the 5-Minute Freewrite Daily Prompt found @mariannewest.

Look for this



Check out These Contests and Events at the Freewrite House @freewritehouse

  • Freewrite House Author Reading Contest

  • WE-Write

  • Recommend Your Favorite Freewrite & Freewrite Poetry

Join us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FreewriteHouse


Join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Anyone want to partner with me?

Who wouldn't want to??? The real question is "Am I worthy?" and the answer is in the five-minute JUST DO IT, just go for it, freewrite! I'm ever amazed at what turns up when I set that timer and let words tumble out without planning and forethought. It makes me suspect our conscious plans and thoughts cannot compete with what springs, unexpectedly, from the wells of the subconscious.

I guess I missed it huh? In general, why does one need a partner to start the first part? Why not just put it out there for grabs? This way people can choose to continue from several beginnings or write several continuations.

Oh, I didn't see that! I love the dynamics of this writing game. I'd prefer the last option. Anyone up for a partner?

Hi @zeleiracordero, let's partner.

I will love to complete any beginning you come up with. It's been a while i wrote a story but i'm so eager to be back in the game. Thanks!

If we go, @aduragbemi. We'll work with today's prompt: stovetop. I'll publish the beginning later so you can finish the story.

Alright! I will check back later!

List! The entry is posted, @aduragbemi.

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I can't wait to read your entries Freewriters! 💕


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@zeldacroft has been sick and needs to take a little break; for now, the We-Write leader is @mariannewest - who has also been sick and is always in need of more time to herself. Thank you for taking on the We-Write, Marianne, and I'm wondering if you want to put Weekly Friday Favorites on hold, given that the post announcing the winners (drawings for SBI) take so much of your time. I'd offer to take that on as well but I'd have to learn how you do those drawings and then post the results.... egads! how do you DO it all...??

I'm not even keeping up with hashtags: what's new with #theluvbug, #innerblocks, #cc, #freewrites... daily dozens, hundreds.... HOW does everyone else keep up??

It's impossible. It's like paperwork building up in piles on my desk. I can not get to it all, even though I sit here for hours of every day. I have no idea how our leaders manage to do all they do and post everyday too! Add to that that we make nearly nothing for our efforts. I figure I'm now earning about 50 cents an hour in a good week. We are crazy!

If you average 50 cents an hour, you're out-earning me by a landslide. :)
A whale, I may never be, but I'm afloat.
And crazy - what else? :)

Yeah this is recent. I've finally got a curator or two visiting regularly, and now I feel I have to produce to keep them interested. It's a trap.

Whatever it takes to keep you producing prose and more words of any genre!
If nobody takes you up on the we-write, I might take another stab at it, despite my reservations about being up to the task.

Oh no, first Deirdy and now you with the "if no one else I'll do it" thing. blech. You in or out?
Do a five minute freewrite! That one was awesome about the refugee murderess. We could just use that one if you prefer.
I'm a sponsor and I vote "yes". @marianne?
All opposed?

LOL! Use the murderous refugee mom--I'd love to see you deal with that, with your wit and humor, when everyone asks where what's-her-name went, and the mom blinks innocently. Or not. Originally I envisioned a happy ending with her husband awaiting her and lifting the weight of their baby boy from her, but the timer went off, and suddenly, murder and mayhem ensued.

Ok. I will do a freewrite/we-write with you -- emphatically yes -- so as to keep from sounding wimpy! (Thank you!)

Ok then. marianne voted yes and no one else showed up for the vote, so it's officially a thing. I've already started thinking about it and I believe I've got some good stuff. No happy ending though! Sorry!
Thanks for letting me "finish" your story.

Some "traps" can be safe havens. Like marriage. LOL! The ol' ball and chain is not the prison some make it out to be... but I digress, as always. :)

At least you're not like the "kept woman," the mistress of the married man. Now I'm thinking of ants and aphids, but it's your fault: YOU used the word "trap," in jest, and I trust you always know I'm jesting too!

I sent you an email.

I don't know how anyone keeps up with anything. If you want to put the Friday post on hold, go for it. I don't want you to burn out. And if you want to do something else - run another contest or do a different kind of post, that would be great as well.
We all can only do what we can do and right now, I have so many other priorities that my online time is very short every day.
I am doing my best to keep the prompt going and the Freewrite House somewhat. But there is only so much time in the day. You know that. And you are awesome!! Thank you so much for being you!!
❤️ Marianne

I can put up the Tuesday call for nominations... but I don't/won't/could have all your news flashes and updates. I love the idea of trying again to host a contest, or some such, all previous lack-of-responses aside!

The Tuesday post is fairly easy for me - the winner one not so much. But I need to rethink it and make it easy on myself. This year has been intense in many ways for me and I am determined to have a more focused year next year. Let's see where it takes us...

You're the most productive, accomplished, generous, and helpful of souls - anything "awesome" I might do is a result of trying to follow your example! (Now King Louis of The Jungle Book comes to mind: "I wanna be like you")

hahaha - you are fantastic as is 😄

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