Lilla | Stranded Part 4 ~ 5 minute freewrite ~ Prompt: cherry

in #freewrite6 years ago

Anna sat still, as she stared back into the little eyes that watched her carefully. The whole leaf started to shake as a little girl’s face appeared from behind, she smiled then began to giggle.

“Hello?” Anna said, reaching for her shirt.

The little girl laughed louder and popped a small little red fruit into her mouth.

Her mouth watered at the sight of more food. Anna stepped out of the river, and slipped her shorts on, and walked carefully to where the little girl stood.

She was tiny, maybe only four old with platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was holding a handful of berries, and stretched her hand out to offer one to Anna.

“Cherry?” she said. Anna accepted the gift with a smile, but was hesitant to eat. The girl watched her carefully, tilting her head to the side. “Aren’t you going to eat it?” she asked.

Anna laughed looking at the small red fruit that was clearly not a cherry. “Are you sure it’s safe?”

“Oh don’t be silly!” The little girl said, then turned away and started skip further into the trees.

“Wait, wait!” Anna called chasing after her.

The little girl ignored her as she plunged deeper and deeper into the jungle. Then with one extraordinary step, the deep trees cleared to reveal a small colony of huts and tree houses with twenty or thirty people milling apart, completely daily tasks and chores.

A tall woman with dark brown hair looked up from a grind stone to see the little girl emerge from the trees.

“Lilla! There you are! You were supposed to be with your brothers!” she said relieved. She glanced past Lilla to Anna standing by the tree line, mouth gaped in awe. “Who’s your friend?”

Lilla shrugged, and took the dark woman‘s hand. “I found her taking a bath in the river. I offered her a cherry, but she hasn’t eaten it yet.”

“Hello,” the woman said as she walked closer. “My name is Melina. Welcome to the Oasis.”

Thanks for reading! If you'd like to try a freewrite please visit @mariannewest!

Here is Part One!

And Part Two
There is now a Part 3!


The oasis sounds magical!

That's how it felt to me too!

Interesting. For some reason I pictured the little girl tanned with dark hair. I find the blonde hair, blue eyes and English speaking interesting. Now I am more curious. Is this a haven, a mirage, a hallucination? Hmmm...

I'm so glad it sparked those questions. Originally, I had pictured the same thing. Like a little native girl...or what we imagine that to look like. But as I wrote and she changed, I felt like all these possibilities opened up!

Hahaha hahaha interesting, looks like Anna n Blake will be on this island for a very long time. Oasis! A magical world on planet earth. .. Lol

Haha it took a whole sci-fi turn!

This cries for many possibilities to go with!

Thank you! I'm kind of excited about it! I also saw that you're going to be on @pennsif's show today!

I saw that you were in the audience for a while...Send me an invite to discord and we can have a voice chat sometime. I would enjoy that!

Yes! That would be great! Yeah...I thought I was going to be able to stay and listen, but life is like that sometimes.

Life has a way of getting in the way and changing our plans. Long range plans for life rarely work out for us as things tend to change from day to day.
We will have to set up a time for a chat...

Yes, we definitely do!

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