All the Way Back | Weekend Freewrite - Three story!

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

This is my first go at the weekend freewrite using three prompts! I hope you enjoy it!

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First Prompt: I was dressed in a completely inappropriate shade of pink

Dear Mom, June 24, 1974

Hello, how are you? The drive has been slow down from Indiana, but we feel like we’re making good time. The last home we stopped at was terrible. The family had us in for a nice dinner party, and I was dressed in a completely inappropriate shade of pink! I was wearing my favorite flamingo pink dress, you know the one, but I should’ve chosen mauve, for how stuffy the whole event was.

To answer your question from your last letter, we are eating very well on the bus, and only choosing fast food when there are no other options. We also take plenty of turns driving so not one of us gets tired. How have things been on the farm? Does my sweet piggy, Martha, miss me? Please give Daddy a kiss for me, and continue to pray for us! This mission trip has been a great success so far!

Love always,


Prompt 2: We were drinking champagne and losing our shirts.

Dear Rita, June 26, 1974

Greetings to my closest friend, and dearest co-conspirator! We have made it to Kentucky! (I’m writing this while laying on my belly in an attic above the home we’re staying in! They were so insistent I be allowed to have quiet and privacy once they discovered I was writing home.) Tomorrow we’re taking a trip to the University to hear a speaker talk about the Holy Spirit and what God would really like us to know. I’m nervous, but excited! I can’t even imagine what my mother would think, sitting there in the dusty pew about to have a heart attack as someone “moving in spirit” speaks in “tongues” whatever that means!

Without going a moment further, I have to tell you about last night. You should have been there, sorry I know you are miserable laying there with mono, but our hosts threw a gigantic party! They didn’t seem to mind at all that we were underage! We were drinking champagne and losing our shirts! I met a fantastic boy named Bobby, who I might just be in love with.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if that were all true!? It’s not. We did play a great round of charades, but no champagne. Bobby’s gorgeous though!

With all the love I can send,


Prompt 3: The day Lillian learned to drive.

Dear Bobby, July 1, 1974

Hello, I hope this letter has found you well! I’m writing to you, as requested, as soon as I made it to my front steps. We have made it safely back to our Michigan home, but I’m missing our travels everyday! Well, I am glad to be out of that bus, the day Lillian learned to drive, her parents should’ve taken the keys right away! We almost wrecked three times in the thirty minutes we allowed her behind the wheel! That’s all neither here nor there now that we are home.

To answer you question now, without interruption, yes I believe my life has been fully changed. I will no longer be able to see the world around me without seeing it full of beautiful color! I do love the Lord, and I want to shout it from the rooftops! Even if it does get me kicked out the sanctuary doors.

Please write back soon, I want to hear all about your latest church meetings, and if your mother was able to get all that flour out of her apron. She said it was permannent now! I will miss her fluffy buttermilk biscuits! Please, also include if you are able to make a visit before your fall semester starts!

With all sincerity,


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! For more information on freewrites please visit @mariannewest!


Great work @freedomtowrite - letter writing is a dying art these days! You made them all delightful to read. Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you @andysantics! You are is dying, which is awful...I love getting a letter in the mail!

ohhhhhhhhhhh Love the way you did this!!! very original :D
Great, Perfect first weekend freewrite!!

Thank you! I was inspired by a book I just read that was written entirely in letters! I was going to give it a shout-out and forgot! But it was The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. You should read it!

I live in Indiana so that got a big smile out of me. Very well written, I enjoyed all three of them.

I'm glad it made you smile! Thanks for reading and just never know when you write something like this what kind of attention it will get, so every comment is precious!

That was so fun! Loved reading!

Thank you! I had a lot of fun doing it! We also made a discovery! We have a desktop, but without the internet, so all of our blogs are on the phone. Sometimes I'll blog on the computer, then manually type it over...but yesterday we figured out a way to take it from the computer to the phone electonically! I'm able to type so much more in 5 minutes! Haha

Very nice letters you share here. After advancements in technology people leave to write letters to their relatives and friends... mobile phone and internet take place of letters. Thanks for remembering me about letters.

I think letters are the best, so much more personal! You should write a letter this week @bangash! Thanks for the comment 😊

I really love this freewrite and that you actually did it like real writing letters. A joy reading it.
And I actually still write letters by hand and send to my aunt.... Lol love that 😊
Well written. Cheers!

Thanks @saffisara! I love that you still write letters to your aunt! This whole thing makes me want to write a letter to someone! Haha

Yes I love it to its so much personal this way and we've been doing it sence I was in school
Even with my cousin from time to time.
This way you can put a little cute gift in the envelope to... Suprise 😊 makes a bubbly heart receiving a letter like that.. Lol
You go and write one.... Lol ✉️

That's so sweet! I think I will!

I love that you wrote this through letters! Poor Cindy, being in a car with a first time driver! I love how enthusiastic and full of the beauty of the Lord she is!

Haha right...poor Cindy!

So it was really crazy...I was praying about what to write about and I saw a young 18/19 year old traveling to the Kentucky/Tennessee area in the 70's. I knew there was a charismatic movement that had happened then, but I didn't know much. I did a little research and the main hub was at a University in Kentucky! When I started writing, it all fell together so nicely...I actually finished the first letter with a minute to spare!

Attention Freewriters!

Today's prompts are brought to you by Mr. Whiffle's Skywriters! Mrs. Whiffle, we ask that you please stop yelling and uncover your children's eyes. Your husband has assured us that he there was an error while flying and that intended ending was, "You lucky ducks!"

5 Minute Freewrite Day 143 - the military

These are great! I like how you used letter form. Very interesting.

Thank you! I had just gotten done reading a book that told the story entirely through letters and it was so good! So, I took it like a challenge. Then I had told Snook I would do a weekend freewrite, so I had to do it haha, and I prayed for a story to tell and this happened so fast! Each part took less than 5 minutes! I couldn't believe it!

The weekend freewrites are my favorite! I never know how the story is going to start or go or end!

I can see why! I definitely should do more!

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