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RE: Prompt of the day “Soundcheck” - Mobile Vlogging Audio Intricacies 🗣

in #freewrite5 years ago

I'm not watching many movies now with my wifi issues in a crisis, but I almost never "watch" anyway. I listen and normally do not even have the visual on the screen. I do not like people starting at me!

I have not had tv in 25 years and never watched much anyway. If the words do not come through clearly in a video - I'm out!

You are so far over my technical head it is unreal. I feel like I should give up on this video thing.

I see you are not using the tags, but are we still doing #zap? There's one for you if we are :)


Yea internet issues makes the whole thing challenging, I just don’t have enough data to watch videos so I’m limited to the few hours I’m awake at home 😔 but typically like you I’m just listening anyways. Pull out my iPad and play while replying to comments then resteem and go back to comment with Partiko on my iPhone is the usual practice.

Me ahead LMAO I just make things work is all, has taken a year of trial and error to figure out some very simple ideas 🤦‍♂️ basically understanding that everything can be done in steps when it comes to editing make all the difference.

I believe the tags are meant for videos only but no I haven’t really used them, I got lost in the change and well if I followed the rules I wouldn’t be allowed to post anymore videos 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

lol - Yes, this is a whole new world. Trying to get my mojo back and stay out of the weeds...

I just keep trucking straight through them 🤦‍♂️ can be rough but I get there eventually

Just remember doubt is all in your mind, it can posses us if we allow it or it can be the encouragement to proceed towards accomplishment 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

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