The fourth horsemen / Il quarto cavaliere [ENG - ITA 5 Minute Freewrite]

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Don't worry, this is not the Old Steemians Home! (original by @f3nix)

English Version

Everything had happened ridicolously fast.
At the time, if only he had sweat glands, the fourth horseman would have sweated cold. The empty orbits betrayed the usual ferocious coldness, revealing the flicker of a growing and somewhat comical despair. The occipital arch of the skull seemed to intensify with each convulsion of his arms.
He moved frantically from one room to another. Now his movements had lost the purpose and concentration and seemed only the frustrated outburst of a poor man.

Surrounded by little noumena, who were frantically following him tangling his unlikely quest even further, Death continued to murmur to himself.

"He will come as a thief in the night had to be true for those ants living on earth.. certainly not for us four! A reasonable notice would be the minimum after eons of faithful service! As usual, everything at the very last moment!".

Death was simply embarassing in front of the other three horsemen, the shame made him look thinner than his ivory rib cage, protruding like claws ready to seize the poor victim: the scythe could not be found.

Conquest, War and Famine waited just outside the hypogeum temple, feigning patience and choking off just a few laughs for the pathetically convulsive scene they were witnessing.
They were exchanging looks at the same time amused and nervous. With three seals still to be opened, the slowdown of the program was not a tolerable option. The Angel of the Lord would not have been pleased at all.

"Did you look under the sink?", War shouted at him, receiving a series of rolling grunts in response.

"But without the scythe .. go and starve them!", whispered sadly Famine who, from the height of his black horse, was fiddling with the scales to kill some time.

"Why do not you take the vacuum cleaner? It's ok, there won't be anybody to tell it" Conquest added with a sardonic expression.

He earned a barrage as a response. A ramshackle laughter shook the three horsemen, who had abandoned any apocalyptic behavior at the sight of the bony and pencolant feet of the companion - theoretically the most fearful of all - emerge out of the sink, surrounded by squeaking noumena who did not know what to do looking at their master well plugged into the sink's bowels.

In the meantime, on the sidelines, the green horse of Death was carefully defecating an industrial and physically impossible quantity of material, a matching color with its own mantle.

Versione Italiana

Era successo tutto iperbolicamente in fretta.
In quel momento, se solo avesse avuto delle ghiandole sudoripare, il quarto cavaliere avrebbe sudato freddo. Le orbite vuote tradivano la consueta feroce freddezza, lasciando trasparire il tremolio di una disperazione crescente e un po' comica. L'arcata occipitale del cranio sembrava accentuarsi ad ogni suo movimento convulso.
Si spostava da uno scranno all'altro, ormai i suoi movimenti avevano perso il fine e la concentrazione e sembravano solo lo sfogo frustrato di un poveraccio.

Circondato da piccoli noumeni che lo seguivano freneticamente ingarbugliando ancora di più la sua improbabile ricerca, Morte continuava a mormorare fra sè e sè.

"Viene come un ladro nella notte doveva valere per quelle formiche non certo per noi quattro! Un congruo preavviso sarebbe il minimo dopo eoni di fedele servizio! Se non facciamo le cose all'ultimo non siamo contenti eh!".

Morte stava facendo una pessima figura con tutti gli altri tre, più magra della sua eburnea gabbia toracica protrusa come artigli pronti a ghermire la povera vittima: non si trovava la falce.

Conquista, Guerra e Carestia aspettavano appena fuori dal tempio ipogeo, fingendo pazienza e soffocando appena qualche sbotto di riso per la scena pateticamente convulsa.
Gli sguardi si incrociavano allo stesso tempo divertiti e nervosi. Con ben tre sigilli ancora da aprire, il rallentamento del programma non era un'opzione tollerabile. L'angelo del Signore non sarebbe stato affatto contento.

"Hai guardato sotto il lavabo?" gli gridò Guerra, ricevendo in risposta una serie di mugugni rotolanti.

"Certo che senza la falce.. hai voglia ad affamarli!", osservò mestamente Carestia, che dall'alto del suo cavallo nero giocherellava con i piatti della bilancia per ingannare il tempo.

"Perchè non prendi l'aspirapovere? Tanto non rimarrà nessuno per raccontarlo" ossevò Conquista con fare sardonico.

Si guadagnò un barrito di risposta. Risa ormai sgangherate dei tre che avevano abbandonato ogni contegno apocalittico alla vista dei piedi ossuti e pencolanti del compagno - teoricamente il più temibile - sbucare fuori dal lavabo, circondati da squittenti noumeni che non sapevano che fare guardando il loro padrone impiantato nelle viscere del lavandino.

Nel frattempo, in disparte il cavallo verde di Morte si dedicava con impegno a defecare una quantità industriale e fisicamente impossibile di materia dal colore in pendant col suo stesso manto.


I always found anything having to do with the four horsemen to be so interesting. Nice take on the fourth prompt for sure.

Thanks @snrm, I wanted to play a bit with an ordinary scene and some contrast. The Apocalypse of st. John is a true mine of narrative ideas..

Wow...just wow!

Thanks, just thanks!

That was good!

Thank you!

from redfish

Bwahahahah!! 😂 Maybe Death could use a weed whacker? Or perhaps, a shovel? (It would also be handy for dealing with his horse's leavings...) Grazie for the laugh @f3nix!
I remember this photo! This was the one where you put your arm through the fence, wasn't it? It probably isn't the safest idea but, I'd love to be able to wander around inside!

Ahahah i love the shovel but maybe I'll stay with the hoover because of my nostalgia for the '80 (Ghostbusters style) 😉 Wow what a memory you have.. yes that home would be a very interesting place to explore.. I'm sure that @omra-sky would like it. I feel attracted and scared at the same time with these places..

Yes, you did tease me with this before. And, no, that does not look like a safe building to walk around.

What can I do, i like teasing you 😛

Bwahahahahah! The spirit of Terry Pratchett descended on you! Hilarious and crazy, poor Death!

I have to say that I always have a lot of fun when I write in my Pratchett wannabe style 😂😜 Thank you Marco, I'm happy twice because i know you truly enjoyed it!

Ma non vale! Io voglio sapere come va avanti!

Non la trova perché l'ha dimenticata in un certo posto.. l'occasione poi fa l'uomo ladro. No, decisamente l'Agnello di Dio non mostrerà il suo lato misericordioso. Ma questa ė un'altra storia e un altro freewrite 😉 Grazie per essere passata!

I hope he found his instrument of terror - without - it just will not be the same. And if we don't fear death anymore - the world will be upside down 🙃

I think that the world would be a very akward place. But I'm sure that the hoover will be fine, although not iconic and fearsome like the scythe 😁

Haha, poor Death!

Shit happens is a universal law.

I love this humorous take on these no so humorous characters. A fun read, excellent!

Thanks my friend, i like taking serious things and dismantling them 😉

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