Children - 5 Minute Freewrite, Prompt: Yard Sale

in #freewrite6 years ago

I don't often use the bloody Most Dangerous Writing App, but when a prompt screams "use it!" who am I for disobeying to this divine command?

Before shooting my freewrite, I just want to say this: children guard the essential, invisible to our adult eyes. Let's listen, play, learn and protect them always, because through their eyes and hearts we will remember of our true self.


When you walk down a street and you see a yard sale with children selling their little things, their used toys and other old stuff they found at home, stop. Give them a smile, one of your real ones, listen to them and buy something. I know, you do not need it, your children would not watch it and maybe they have already a lot of those toys. But it's very important, many many things are more important that what we feel it's important in our frantic days. I was hurrying through the city centre by feet and this 6 years old child is approaching me and I see other people not even bothering about him.. I stopped and saw he had these sweets inside a basket, poor cuddly one .. he is selling sweets for his elementary school, talking to me with a standard sentence he repeats to everyone, blushing, without even looking into my eyes. I ducked, bought the sweets (he even forgot to give them to me after I gave him the banknote) and I messed his hair with a caress could see how happy he was. He felt important. Children should always be listened to and supported. Their innocence should be protected as the good..[time's over!]

(..and thank's to @omra-sky for providing the great separator and spreading the bananafish gospel!)


Your generosity to the young surely pleases the bananafish. I'm going to mess around with some other styles of separator. If any look good, I'll send them to you.

hahah well said.. he's a merciful God indeed! Thank you Omra, our art director!

Perhaps I should give the Most Dangerous Writing App ago.

Why not? Don't be shy.. It will just pull out from you things that you don't want to write, in the end 😜

I love your sweet and gentle nature! I agree 100% children should be stopped and listen to and I will go further as to say look them in the eye, and recognize them as real people. Often people look over their heads or talk at them, I get such Joy talking to a child and listening to them respond back.

That's true! They can teach us a lot if we consider them like small adults, real people as you said.. You evidenced a behaviour that we all tend to have. I read my writing again..I didn't mean to teach something to anyone, it's just that it's easy to be hard and stressed by everyday mess and not give them their due time. Thank you Janelle for passing by ☺️

Here here, our little people have so much to teach us, and are so often ignored by the "knowledgeable" adults... Their emotional intelligence is pure and unspoiled. Take that minute to make the day of a child, always.. Good on you @f3nix

Thank you for commenting and very well said @ablaze!

Bravo @f3nix! You did the right thing, I think. Sometimes we think that adult things are more important than child things, but making a child proud of himself can lead to a more confident and self-empowered adult tomorrow.

(Huzzah for the bananafish separator, I'm officially envious!)

You need to find your totemic animal too, Marco! Kids can remind is what lost behind .. I don't want to sound rhetorical but I truly believe it..

children are the most important resource we have!!

Well said Mar! 👍👍👍

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