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RE: The Bees are Dead - a poem - freewrite challenge

in #freewrite6 years ago

Wow- this is powerful.
It is incredibly scary, this loss of all our wonderful insects. Have you noticed recently that it's not just the bees? Our hoverflies and butterflies all seem to be diminishing.

My dad keeps bees. It was a joy when I visited him to hear a constant buzzing all around his land. So special and so precious.

E x


As you know I love all animals, but bees are one of my favorites... apart from lions :) I love so much observing the bees.

I don't want to sound silly ... but ... sometimes I find a bee on our grounds that is still alive but struggling, is there anything we can do to help those poor ones. Tried to give honey on the top of a toothpick and it seems it helped. Some were strong enough to fly away again afterwards ... maybe it's silly ... but I felt so helpless, maybe you could ask your Dad the dancing Druid!

Yes here as well ... so many insects seem to be gone ... so so sad ...

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