The Perfect Woman

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)



He adjusted the last piece, making sure that the flesh-mimicking latex was smooth and settled before he stepped back. His eyes started at the top of her head, with the hair just like he liked it. Her big brown eyes stared out at him so lifelike that his skin broke out in goosebumps. Her full lips under the perfect nose, ‘Ah,’ he said to himself,’ Charlie, you did a fantastic job here!’ She was supposed to just be a prototype, but Charlie had done such a phenomenal job, he wasn't sure there was even any room for improvement!

He admired his creation from afar, tilting his head, walking around her. Covered from head to toe in the special version of latex he’d worked on for months until he’d replicated human skin so closely that he nearly expected her to have goosebumps when he ran his hand down her arm. His fingers tingled with anticipation of touching her, now that she was finished.

He suddenly felt embarrassed for her. Here he’d worked on her so long and he just left her standing there, naked. He looked around to realize that he hadn’t even thought about clothes. He hadn’t figured she’d need any, after all, she wasn’t even alive. Now that he looked at her, he felt ashamed that he hadn’t even bothered to get her clothes. How would she feel just standing there with no choice in the matter?

Charlie shook his head and laughed at himself. She was just a robot. A toy. She wasn’t real. He walked around her and couldn’t shake the feeling that she was embarrassed to be standing here unclothed. The feeling nagged at him until he finally unbuttoned the white shirt he was wearing and placed it over her torso. His fingers shook as he buttoned up some of the buttons, leave the top few undone. He stepped back and smiled.

“Damn, Anna! You look even sexier with my shirt on.” His eyes widened as he swore he saw a sparkle in her eyes. Her mouth quirked up on one side in a barely there smile.

Charlie stepped back, nearly tripping over his own feet. Was she, SMILING at him?

Oops, there’s my timer! I wonder what kind of things Charlie and Anna will get up to this weekend? Read Part Two

My 5 minute freewrite for today's prompt: prototype by @mariannewest for day #39 of the @freewritehouse selfie challenge



Wow, awesome freewrite. I love how he considers her feelings and decides to dress her. Awesome ending, too. Well done!

I feel like this doesn't end well. I hope I'm wrong!

I thought it was going to go to sexy places, but now I'm not sure. Its more of a romance in the making! Just what guys want to read, right? 😂

Indeed. I think balanced power dynamics in the real world are sexy. Role-playing can be fun, but in real life uneven power dynamics get less fun.

Oh, we know that robots are perfect. remember the Stepford Wives? 😂

I feel like I've only seen the remake with Nicole Kidman and it was terrifying so I blocked it out! 😂

What an awesome freewrite that cause your readers to imagine together with you. :) great job Charlie.

Aw, thank you for the awesome comment! You made my day.

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