How to be unfazed by the modern world - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

Day 7

Across the dessert plains, across the roaring seas, stand men and woman, unlike you and me.

They have bows in their hair, they have paint on their face, but they share the same blood, red as a lunar eclipse. You see them now and then. On the TV when we're told "another group has been found". Pre-historic in nature, unfazed by the bustling world ever expanding and evolving around them.

Some may look upon them in pitty. A time once gone by "they were unable to adapt" or "it's a shame they don't get to enjoy modern day pleasures". I retort and ask this, do you think they would care for modern day pleasures? Do you think they are less happy than you and I? I would argue that they're happier. I'm sure there's scientific evidence to prove me right, but since this is a 5 minute freewrite I don't really have the ability to search that up right now (you're pretty lucky).

No it is the people that time has left behind that are better off in most ways. They would not feel depressed from seeing an Instagram post your best friend made after he got a Fulbright Scholarship. They would not get clostraphobic in the urban jungle sprawl that we have built for ourselves. No I think that they would feel at peace within the green and the brown. The natural jungle that we originally grew up in. The one that helped us evolve.

Maybe one day we'll all realise that we should go back to this place of simplicity. Or we can keep fucking up our world. But again, what do I know?


Every morning at 8am I wake up and write for 5 minutes continuously as part of #365daysofwriting. I do not stop until the timer runs out. What you see is a stream of consciousness that is me at a point in time just letting it all go, no editing, just automatic mode. Enjoy.

This is an entry for @mydivathings freewrite challenge :)


Back to the roots..

Great opening lines - this could be turned into a story!
The rest of the message is familiar. I usually feel the same way, but sometimes, I'm grateful for technological advances, like the one allowing me to read your story from across the globe. In my simple childhood on a 1960s-1980 farm, it would have taken many steps and much time to gain access to your writing. So, long live the internet! now, about the roads and too many trucks/cars, not enough trains and mass transit, too many housing development in the suburbs, too much excess, redundancy, and all -- yes, let's look back to earlier peoples for a model of what we can do without.

I agree. It's amazing what we've been able to accomplish with technology and modern way's of living. We have the lowest rates of poverty since the dawn of time and on average people are living longer. I do believe however that as you say we must look back to see what we can live without :)

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