"Where we care about your WELL-BEING"

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

She sat in the lobby, waiting for her buzzer to vibrate. Inhaling deeply, she was sure that this was the right move.  She could hear the canned music playing over the sound system, crackling with age.  It irritated her that they could charge $700 for each pill, but they couldn't update their sound system. In between each song, the same incessant advertisement would play.

"Nutrica.  Where we care about your well-being."

She sighed again.  Well-being. She didn't even have the interest in debating with anyone anymore about whose interpretation of well-being mattered.  She was just going to check out of the program and deal with life head-on.

The buzzer alerted her that she was next.  She stood up, wiped her clammy hands on her pants and walked to the receptionist.

"Hi there! Did you just need a refill?"

"No. I'm here to get my atomizer removed."

The look the receptionist's face dropped into a judgmental stare.

"Are you sure that you -"

"Yes, I have been sure for the last sixteen times that I've been asked that question."

"How long have you been off of them?"

"14 days, 2 hours, and -" she looked at her watch "44 minutes."

"Hm." The receptionist sniffed.  "No wonder.  Room 5."

She sauntered into the room, ready to brave this new/old world without the help of chemical assistance.  She could already feel the effects of withdrawal, not just on her mood - but in her body.  Her joints were on fire, she felt queasy and her head hadn't stopped spinning for the last 5 days. Be that as it may, the plastic euphoria that she had worn since her 24th birthday was no longer effective. She would adjust, or... not.

"Raise your arm. This is going to hurt."

She scowled.  "But it didn't hurt going in."

"Well, it will coming out."

This has been my entry for @mariannewest's 5 minute Freewrite. Prompt: well-being. It was my first time joining the fun! Hope you enjoyed the read. If you'd like to try, go visit @freewritehouse for daily prompts and instructions!

Update: This has become a series of indeterminate length! Come along for the ride if you like and continue to Part 2
Thank you to my graphic god @penderis (that's a small g, Pen lol) for my Dreemie Divider! It's exactly what I wanted.

I certify that I am the original author of this post, which also appears here.

Nutrica image source

Such an imaginative piece to come from such a tiny prompt- love it! I love the sense of power that she has, withdrawing herself from something that has almost been imposed upon her by what a system expects no matter what the consequences will be!

I think I'm going to have to join you on these freewrites- what an excellent way to get the imagination running riot!

E x

it really is a great little way to find some inspiration for a post !!!! im enjoying them so far :)

i did the second part of this - i wasn't intending on continuing the saga of Nutrica hahaha but... today's prompt worked for it!

Oooh and I've just read part 2 and part 3... I'm telling you lady, there had better be more parts on their way, as I'm hooked ;) Hehehe

Right. Today- I'm going to hunt down the prompt. I'm never sure where to look, but only because I'm being dippy I think!
E x

hahahahaha its always with @mariannewest :)

and i might have 3-4 more in me with this! I dont' want it to drag, so gotta wrap it up before people get bored, or before i lose ideas. hahahahaha

but thank you for enjoying it!!! feels good to be writing again! (gosh, feels good to SAY that again... LOLOL)

Hurrah for enjoying writing again - that is an epic step in itself- and I look forward to reading the next bit :)

Off to stalk Marianne x

I can't wait to read your entry!!!

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Hehe thank you - I had a lot of fun - it's so free-ing!

This is the second freewrite I've seen that gives me "We Happy Few" vibes. All from the prompt Well-being. I guess people tend to think of unilateral government imposed antidepressant/pain reducing chemical dependency when they hear that word.

That's hilarious!!!! I definitely do.... It's just a creepy word. But I have no idea what "We Happy Few" is lol. I need to start reading again hahahhaa (I'm assuming it's a book???)

Posted using Partiko Android

We Happy Few is a game. It's set in a somewhat futuristic England where the entire population is addicted to a drug called Joy, which basically forces you to be happy and causes you to forget your past. The entire community will actively shun anyone not on the drug, sometimes with violence.

Well apparently great minds think alike lolol

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But I will say... In mine, it wasn't so much government imposed. More of a gentle suggestion reinforced by severely addictive methods. Lol

Posted using Partiko Android

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